Ch 2 - Carriber

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Carriber Stone

"Mom, I'm home," Carriber Stone hollers and he enters his two storey house.

"Come to the kitchen," his mom says from there. "I'm making cake."

Carriber smiles at the mention of the word cake. He loves it. When he enters the kitchen, he notices even his little brother, Dave was there.

"Hi Dave," he says as he sits.

"Hello, Carr."

"Oh by the way," his mom starts, "you got a letter. From your new pen pal, I guess."

"Oh really," he says - his eyes twinkling with excitement. "Where is it?"

"By the table, Carr," Dave replies for his mother.

"Thanks." He picks it up and begins to walk upstairs."See you guys in fifteen minutes or more."

"Hey, son! What about the cake?"


He finally enters his room and opens Allie's letter.

Dear Carriber,
High five returned! God, I laughed at your post script. You love reading books? Awesome! What books have you read? My favorite are the books by an author Sidney Sheldon. I swear to god, I worship him! And I read anything with a good plot and a nice writing style. And now - being a very, very typical person - I will talk about my day. Today, was alright from me. Though I almost got sent to the principal's office due to a person whom I used to call my friend, Anna. Well - I guess our cat fight wasn't pretty to watch. Nina's (my best friend) pen pal is apparently really girlish and super hyper! Am I hyper? I don't know. If I am fangirling? Yes. Other times? I don't think so. What about you? Are you a hyper guy? You know, I cry a lot at movies... I don't know, why I am mentioning it, but I won't cut it. It'll probably help you know me better. I love english and social subjects, but absolutely hate science. Hey, have you ever visited Montana? It is a really beautiful place, and one of my absolute favorites. You should check it out. You know, you're the first pen pal I ever had - so feel special. Just kidding! About the sepcial part... not the first pen pal one. Oh god, did I just ramble? What's your favorite place to visit?
Allie Watson (P.S. I really think I rambled)

Carriber smiles and puts the paper aside. He drags his laptop in front of him and switches the power key. Slowly and curiously, he types into the images area of the search engine.


And the pictures stun him.

It is a breathtaking view of beautiful hills and utmost greenery. He understands why the place was Allie's favorite.

Carriber smiles and decides to write his reply right now.

He gets a pen and paper and starts writing from the words coming from his heart.

Dear Allie,
I have read a lot of books. But my favorite is Angels and Demons by Dan Brown. And you're right - Sidney Sheldon is awesome. Wow, Montana is super beautiful. I really should visit there, sometime. I don't mind if you talk about your day to me. In fact, my day was really nice. I got decent marks in a test I thought I would fail! I hate sceince, too. It's too complicated for me... I prefer social and math. Am I hyper? People say I am very much hyper when I am on a sugar rush. Oh god, my best friends (I have two - Ashton and Shanely) would NEVER accept to do something like pen pals. My favorite place I ever visited was... I have two. One - London; and two - India. I loved it so much! Especially India, the culture and their diversity is really amazing and different. When is your birthday? I have this track team tryouts next week. Wish me luck! I really, really hope I'll be able to get in the team. *Fingers crossed*. Which reminds me, are you in any teams or clubs? It is a good thing to have a passion, Allie. And I can tell yours is travelling. I am glad I have gotten a pen pal who's such a budding travellist. Haha! Oh god I have to go...  my mom's calling me. Oh, by the way, reply soon.
Carriber Stone.

Carriber stops writing. He looks around, and grins. He grabs a piece of paper from his Special Coloured Papers Notepad and scribbles something in it.

He couldn't help it. He thinks it is hilarious.

Then, he adds a post script.

(P.S. I hope you like the note inside)

"I'm coming mom!" Carriber yells back to mother who is calling him down.

He quickly folds it and decides to envelope it later and goes down to him telling mum.

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