chapter 1

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A/n: THE story I'm writing is pissing me off cause it just deleted the whole thing and I decided to write it over T-T


It's an exciting and nerve racking day for many genin teams but some have very excited teammates. It was currently 3 am and a certain boy with a green spandex suit was up training hard with determination and surprisingly a unique calming aura, now normally the 13 year old would be bursting with energy even when he had sleepless nights...just like the night before.

"455...456....457....458...459...500..."He said while come pelting his 500 punches he thought his teammates would be there at atleast 4 am he sat down and began to take off his bandages as he looked through his green bag and took out what looked to be beads, thread, jewels and what seemed to be something to play music.
He began to gently decorate the thread with the beads and jewels which laid in bags beside him in an organized fashion with the music playing beside him as he sang oblivious to what is about to be an embarrassing reveal.

I run. I hide. Because I want
A little freedom
But I can't get just what I want. No. I can't beat 'em
Why did i. Do I even dare she's here and there and everywhere
I'm in the depths of dark despair. I can't succeed

The three watching him were awe struck by his voice and what he seemed to be doing was out of character for them, but to him it was an outlet, a calming time for him.

I'll never be the same again. The things I've seen here
It absolutely evident, im not asleep.
You think I must be dreamin' this, that all I do is reminisce
There's nothing here to reminisce. Nothing for me

If you thought his comrades were shocked then, well the next thing that happened really struck them like a bullet. But Lee well he's gonna have some explaining to do for the change in his voice.

Can you hear me calling~? Calling out to you~?
I'm falling apart, im falling~ This body, I must renew

I'll do anything, anything, anything that you need me to do
Absolutely anything for you~
I will be aware of the ink, swim or sink watching out for anything.
Out of the blue,but this nightmare's coming true

I used to be so beautiful, now look at me
My actions are u dutiful it's clear to see~
Come on and step out of that cage!!
There's a new chapter! Turn the page!
I'll take my place up on that stage all eyes on me!

Suddenly he heard a branch snap and he looked in the direction of the noise with only his eyes not moving a muscle this scared his teammates and his sensei which many would think is surprising. Lee suddenly and hastily got on his feet knowing the strangers in the bushes meant no harm unaware that it was his team in which he indicated as 'strangers', he quickly slung his bag on his shoulder
"......." he quickly jumped into the trees vacating the area leaving three dumbfounded unknown comrades.


I.....don't have any words to say.....and I'm sure TenTen and Gai-sensei both have similar emotions.
All three of us decided to come early in the morning because we knew Lee would get up at an ungodly time just to train. But when we got there we heard a voice it sounded as if there were singing when we got close enough we saw the one and only green spandex dopple ganger of might Gai....singing and making jewellery.
The Rock Lee ROCK FUCKING LEE doing such out of character thing than notices us and runs away.
"W-what did we just witness" TenTen asked confusion written all over her face....we all stayed silent

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