Kisses For Real

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Ragini and Laksh are standing opposite to each other. They are in a market. Ragini has called Laksh to the place.

"what happened ragini? Why did you call me here? Everything alright?" laksh asks fearing that what if she confess her love.

"laksh ji.. I want to cancel my marriage with sanskar and I need your help for it" ragini said with a narrowed eyes.

Laksh felt at peace hearing it but felt bad for sanskar too. Still he covered the happiness that made its way to his face.

"But why ragini ji?" laksh asked carefully though he very well know the answer..

" Woh laksh ji.. Its something personal" ragini said not meeting his eyes.

Laksh knows what that personal meant and he's glad she didn't confess. He doubt his will power to sustain letting her go.

Ragini is carefully watching laksh's expressions and is waiting for his reaction.

All of a sudden a car comes and stands behind him. Laksh is too involved in ragini to notice it but ragini did. Before she could react both their face are pressed with a hand kerchief and they immediately faints. No one notices it as the other men where covering them and the place is less crowded . They are taken into the car.

With a pounding headache laksh opens his eyes to find ragini in front of him with her hands and legs tied to a chair just like his. Only a bulb is hanging in between them that makes their face visible. Rest everything in the room is completely dark. They heard a voice.
"hello Mr. Maheswari finally you woke up.. I thought I've to wait for a day as you slept like as if you are sleeping in your bed. I hope you are awake enough" a voice sounded more like mocking greeted them.

"who are you and what you want? Just leave us" laksh said angrily.

Ragini is simply looking without saying anything and laksh felt it weird..

"why are you keeping quite ragini?" laksh asks puzzled.

" you think I didn't ask all that when I got awake? As if they were going to answer us?" ragini said more like mocking

Laksh is irritated with everyone talking in mocking form with him. He struggles releasing his hands while Ragini just rolled her eyes.

"it's not a movie to get opened as hero is trying" ragini said no one in particular.

"are you enjoying all this?" laksh asked unbelievable.

"of course not. I'm just being practical" ragini said as a matter of fact.

"if you two love birds have finished your love talks can 8 talk now" the voice mocked them once again that ragini couldn't help but chuckle.

Laksh glared at her and she immediately shuts.

"we are not any love birds and let us go"  laksh said irritated.

" just because I'm being polite with you both doesn't mean I'm some comedian. Check your lovely girl friend's chair properly" the voice ended sounding serious..

That's when laksh noticed wires coiled around Ragini's chair.

" those are electric wires and they will electrocute her if he tries acting smart" the voice sounded dangerous.

"no.. No.. We will do as you say. Just let her go.. Keep me captive and demand how much ever you want from my family.. Atleast tie those wires in my chair.. What will you get from her" laksh said panicking.

Ragini couldn't help but her love for him grew more and more with each word that nothing else reached her ears.
"I didn't kidnap you to let you go. And my business with you that's why the wires are tied around her chair." said the person in a serious tone.

" what do you want me to do?" laksh asked defeated

"kiss her" the voice said making both ragini and Laksh jerked.

Ragini cheeks started turning red just by the image of it

"are you mad? I'll do anything such" laksh said controlling his own mind which tempts him to proceed.

He suddenly heard ragini screams and realizes that she's electrocuted.

"stop it. Just stop it.. Its paining her.. Stop it" laksh shouted panicked.

" it's just an example to show what will happen if you don't listen to me" the voice said dangerously slow..

"but it's wrong. I'm going to marry her sister. How could you ask me to do this. Say anything else I'll do that" laksh asked trying for one last time.

"do you think I'm playing any game here" kidnapper asked reaching all his limits of patience "do you want another example"
"no. No.. I'll do what you say.. Don't do it anymore" laksh said sighing defeated..

All of a sudden few men unties his rope and leaves immediately. With a great difficulty he stands up as he doesn't have his walking stick with him. Never for once he felt so helpless like he's now because of his limp. He couldn't run away or fight with them. The worse to even walk till ragini. Tears rolled down from his eyes. Ragini's eyes automatically starts tearing seeing him struggling.
With a great effort he comes near her. He looks into her eyes which is tearing but closed. He knows even if she loves him she will never want to do this to her sister's fiancee. But he's helpless. Nothing is more important to him right now than his ragini. With a shivering hands he holds her cheeks as gently as possible. Ragini slowly opens her eyes. His eyes are filled with guilty but he doesn't have an option. Ragini felts chills run through her spine. Her whole body burnt at the fire of his face gaze. It felt like he wanted to convey a million things with his eyes. With a small sorry his lips pressed hers as gently as possibly. Tears flowed continuously from her eyes. Her whole body shivered. His lips stayed a bit longer than she expected. An inner turmoil goes in him whether he should deepen it leave with a peck. His mind screamed to go ahead but his heart doesn't want to do so. After a minute war his heart won and he backs off. Ragini opens her tear filled eyes and looked at laksh. They didn't exchange a word.

"you can release her and leave the place now" the voice said shocking them.

"what? Are you mad?" laksh asks unbelievable.

"last chance. Either leave or see the death of your love in front of your eyes" with that the lights came back showing the entrance..

Laksh's walking stick is visible at a distance. With great difficulty he reaches it and u ties Ragini too. Both left the place with numerous questions running in their mind. Both didn't have the guts to look at the other person or say a word.

Laksh gets a taxi and asks her to leave in it. He decides to go to the police station and file a complaint against the kidnappers but Ragini holds his hand.

"what will you say? That
few people kidnapped them just to make us kiss each other? My family's respect will be ruined. Please just let it go" Ragini begs him.

Laksh thought for a while and then agrees that she's right. He gets into the taxi with her and drops ragini first and then left to his home.

From that day neither Ragini or Laksh contacted each other. Ragini expected Laksh to stop the engagement but he didn't. Having no option she agrees for the marriage...

It is the engagement day...

To be continued..

This part is dedicated to @Antalin0901..
My first vote and commenter and also tendtepushpa..
A gem of a person who everyone misses dearly in wattpad..
Wish she comes back soon.

By the way I'm not supposed to give the update but I can't make you guys wait so long despite your massive response. That's why updated a filler. This book will end with three or four more shots. Thank you for all your love 😍 😍

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