Chapter II

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Fast Forward to when everyone is eleven years old...

Draco was finally eleven, how much he longed to got to Hogwarts, listening to all his mother and father's stories of the time they were students. He wished he would find love like his parent did. Deep inside of him there was still the young girl memory... he had no idea what was her name, her age nor where he saw her for the first time. He met Harry Potter today, he was shopping for his school robes, but he met the young boy with the scary giant man called Hagrid. He got all his school book and some extra book because his father wanted him to be the most knowledgeable and most respected kid at school. The Malfoy name was a heavy burden for a kid, but Draco knows that he can manage it.

Since that faithful day, Blaise has been protecting Hermione from a far. He sent her books that he thinks that would interest her, of course non-magical ones. They have been writing to each other everyday, but at first Hermione wasn't sure if she should talk to him or not. Let's not forget that she lost her memories. Blaise was the same age as Draco, he was his best friend,but since Lucius considered Blaise as a blood traitor he refused Draco to play with him. Blaise's mother took her very first muggle lover, at least the first Blaise met, so he learnt about how to communicate and act in front of muggles. His step dad is actually really nice. Thank to him he can communicate with Hermione.

Hermione kept contact with Blaise even though her memory of the boy is hazy. She knows that there is a second boy in this story, but who was he? Where was he? She had no idea. One day, a tall woman wearing weird clothes knocked on their door holding a letter in her hands. She introduced herself as Minerva McGonnagall and told the young Hermione and her parents that their kid was witch. To prouve that she wasn't tricking them she summoned a bouquet of flowers that she offered to Mrs. Granger. The parent in disbelief did not believe her at first until she asked Hermione if weird things happened when she was mad, sad or stressed. Hermione thinking back said that there was that one time a ruler hit her bully without her throwing it or touching it. She didn't understand how it happened. Minerva explained that it was her magic that acted up. She gave the letter of acceptance to the Grangers telling them to meet her that address tomorrow. Once she said so, she disappeared out of thin air. Hermione was looking forward to go to Hogwarts she couldn't believe that she was a witch and that she would meet other people like her. The next day as promised Minerva was waiting for them and lead them through the Diagon Alley, after making sure they would not divulge the secrets of the Wizarding World, to get Hermione's school supplies. Once she got back, she read every single school book, memorized every single fact that a book could give her and admired her school's robe. She wrote to Blaise that she would be going to a boarding school where she wouldn't be able to communicate with him. She always wore a silver bracelet and a necklace with the letter D on it. She wondered why there was a D... Was there a meaning to this? Probably, Probably not.

KingCross train station was full of people of every kind. Draco never seen that much muggle in one place before. His father stayed home because he had some business, but everyone knew was because he wasn't a fan of Muggles. It was only his mother and him and he was happy because his mother let him do everything he wanted and she would teach him about muggle and their history. Draco loved to learn about the wars, the big empires and of course how the muggles were able to defend themselves without any magic. He found that fascinating. They crossed the path that led them to the Hogwarts train. It was red, a majestic red that even royalty would be jealous of. He was impressed... he then bumped into someone...

Hermione was walking around admiring the station, she went to many train station,but none of them were as magnificent as KingCross was. She found the entrance for her train even though she wasn't sure in the beginning because she was going to run in a wall and once in front of it she was amazed by the train itself. She started to imagine the inside of it until she walked in someone...
A beautiful blond haired young boy. He had beautiful eyes... the purest silver she ever seen. The first word that she said was "Draco" then she turned bright red when she realized that the young boy looked at her questionably. Why was that name that she though of? Who was Draco? She had no idea. She quickly mouthed a sorry and ran inside the train...

Blaise saw it all, he saw Hermione ran in Draco, her embarrassed face and a stunned Draco... he found that quite humorous, but he wanted to meet Hermione again after her last message, but he never though that she was a witch... He was thinking of all the trouble awaiting Hermione because of her blood status. He quickly ran after Hermione and saw her sitting comfortably reading a book. She had her robe already on and he read the title: "Hogwarts: a History" he couldn't help, but chuckle at that beautiful girl in front of him. He longed for her, he wanted her and loved her... The chuckle made Hermione surprised more than ever, her book was on the floor and she was gripping her chest scared. Blaise introduced himself because he only talked to her through letters. She smiled and welcomed him to sit by her side.

Draco couldn't believe what he heard from that young girl... She called him Draco... how did she knew his name? Who was she? He went to find Crabbe and Goyle because his father forced to hang around these two oafs. He was sure that hanging around them would make him at the same level as them...
He heard giggles coming from the compartment next to his and saw Blaise Zabini with the girl that bumped him. They looked happy and the both of them were as if they knew each since they were born. Draco felt a tinge in his heart... what was that feeling? Jealousy. That was the feeling. Draco was jealous of Blaise. He was jealous that he was free to do whatever he wanted, talk with whoever he wanted, hang around whoever he wanted and most importantly, be himself.

Hermione was having a great time with Blaise, she didn't believe it, she was able to meet the boy that wrote to her all this time, he was as funny that she believed he would be, caring to a point that she had a hard time believing that herself and she would never have guessed that he was extremely handsome. She asked him if he knew who Draco was, his face made a weird grimace... he told her that yes he knew who was Draco and he was with them on this train, but he told her that she shouldn't approach him because of his family. She didn't ask more questions and a heavy silence fell between them until a young round boy asking them if they saw his toad. He introduced himself as Neville Longbottom. Hermione being selfless as she was known for proposed her help to look for it.

Blaise was stunned by the fact that she would do anything to help someone. He decided to help too because he had nothing else to do. When they arrived in a compartment full of vicious looking pureblood, Blaise decided to use the composure he always had when it came to this lot of people. He looked at them and asked them if they saw a toad, but none of them answered so, he took their unresponsive selves as a "No". He went to next compartment until he reached the end and suddenly he saw Hermione talking with two boys, one looked like a Weasley because of his red hair and the whole face covered of freckles. The other one was skinny and he was wearing very shabby looking clothes. He heard her introducing herself and he decided to enter the compartment and the Weasley looked at him with disgust. He wasn't on the bad side on the war he was in fact overseas because of one of his mother's lover ...

Draco saw the the girl walking out of her compartment and asking people about Longbottom's toad. She got negative response whoever it was. She continued her way and his eyes were following her until she was out of sight. He was woke up from his daydream by Parkinson annoying voice calling him "Draky". She wasn't very pretty, she was in fact pug faced... he wondered what his father though introducing this girl to him. He was still thinking of that girl that called him Draco. He was thinking it was love at first sight...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 22, 2023 ⏰

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