Just Gym Guys Being Dudes

Start from the beginning

Lee laughed and said, "Both, but preferably that first bit. The second bit was a bit too extra for me?"

"Oh was it? I got it from listening to too much rap music at Sigma," Milo said. Lee rolled his eyes, smiling all the same as Milo purred against him, "Then I'll tell you all about what I'm planning to do to you after you're done with finals." His eyes lidded and focusing entirely too much on Lee's lips.

"Shit," Lee whispered. "If only you knew what I was thinking."

"I would if you told me once in a while," he said.

Lee laughed, cheeks flushing. As if he could ever say any of that out loud. His brain was a cesspool when he wasn't dead set on finishing his homework and passing classes—and the epicenter of it all? Fucking Park.

It certainly didn't help knowing that, by this time next week, he'd be temporarily moving in with Park.

Before leaving, Milo walked Lee to the scale on the far side of the locker room, just outside of the shower area. Steam from the showers rolled out over the tiled floor as Lee dropped his shoes and backpack off to the side and stepped onto the scale. He shifted the weights around as Milo watched, arms folded, shoulder up against the wall beside the scale.

They had checked his weight at the start of November, back when they had started this entire endeavor. It was a given expectation that Lee would have gained more muscle mass by now. With all of the protein shakes after workouts on top of healthy meals at Lockhart Hall, Lee didn't doubt that there was a difference.

The scale evened out.

Lee was holding his breath until that point. He let out a gasp of relief and said, "Thank God. One-sixty-five."

"Nice, dude," Milo said, giving him a high five. Lee stepped off of the scale and up against Milo's side for a half-hug.

Off in the distance they heard someone's shout echo across the locker room in the shape of the words, "Sounds GAY!"

Lee snorted, covering his mouth as Milo perked up and said, "Simon?!"

"GAY!" Simon hollered from the opposite side of the locker room. Someone was snickering in the background.

Milo cupped a hand over his mouth and shouted, "You bet your ass it is, whore!"

"Jesus Christ," Lee muttered under his breath.

"You two comparing sizes over there?!" Simon bellowed back.

"Yeah, the size of your tits," Milo said. He sucked in a deep breath before screaming so loud his voice cracked: "You've got nice tiddies for a little boy!"

A locker slammed in the general direction of where Simon had been taunting Milo.

Milo cursed and ran for it, dragging Lee with him through the shower room. Lee swiped his backpack up, laughing as they skidded through the steam room to the beat of Simon's feet thundering across the locker room after them. Lee swore he heard Simon snarl, "You bitch-ass cunt!"

Lee barely got the straps of his backpack on before they were slamming through the pool room door at the far side of the showers. They hit the hot, thick air of the pool room, sneakers slipping across the damp tiles. Milo swore, his hand touching the ground as he pivoted and took off for the opposite side of the pool room. Lee shrieked when the men's locker room door slammed open behind them.

Milo dropped Lee's hand, chucked his backpack, and braced for impact. Lee startled when Simon came flying out of his periphery and slammed into Milo, who had his arms up like he was on the frontline. The lifeguard was on his feet, blaring the whistle as Simon and Milo collided with the water.

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