Chapter 7: The investigation

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"Those Hex Girls seem suspicious. Me and Daph should keep an eye on them." Fred said

"Gee,why is it that you always pair up with Daphne, Fred?" Velma asked

"Well, I uh..."Fred started to explain

"Nevermind, it's a good idea. I want to take another look at where the guys saw that ghost." Velma stated.


Once they get to where Shaggy and Scooby saw the ghost initially, they head into the forest and Velma notices tire tracks

"What are these tire tracks doing back here?" Velma asks in confusion

"Strange, the road's back there." Ben said while pointing at the direction they came from

"Let's follow them." Velma said

"Like, can't we follow them tomorrow? Like, after breakfast?" Shaggy asked as he clearly didn't want to see where they went

However, Ben, Velma, Yang, and Ruby were already following the tracks

"Like, I guess not." Shaggy said as him and Scooby ran to catch up with them.

When they eventually catch up, the group sees that the tracks lead to an old barn. Then, the mayor walks outand looks around

"Jinkies, it's the mayor." Velma whispered

"What in the world is he doing here this late at night?" Yang asked

"I don't know. But You, me, and Ben will check out that barn. Shaggy, Scooby and Ruby will follow the mayor" Velma responded

"Like, we will?" Shaggy asked

"Fine, then you search the barn and we'll follow the mayor."Velma said

Shaggy and Scooby looked at the barn for a second before Shaggy said something

"Like, on second thought, we'll take the mayor. He'll never know we're on his tail."  Shaggy said as him, Scooby, and Ruby took off to sneak after the mayor and Ben, Velma, and Yang went to investigate the barn

Back with Fred and Daphne

"So, Freddie, why do you always pair us up?" Daphne asks

"Well, i've thought about this for the longest time and there's never been a good time to tell you. Maybe it's time that I.....wait, duck behind a bush, they're coming." Fred said.

Fred and Daphne duck behind a bush and out of sight of The Hex Girls

"I think we need to perform our ritual, girls." Thorn said

"Not tonight Thorn, my powers are weak from rehearsing." Dusk responds

"Ho about tomorrow, just before the concert?" Luna asks

"Nevermind, i'll do it myself.See you in the morning."  Thorn responded

"Bad dreams, sisters." Thorn continued

"Bad dreams, sister Thorn." Dusk and Luna responded

The group started walking their separate ways.

"Did you hear that, Daph? These girls have something to do with this ghost, i'm sure of it. Thorn seems like the leader. Let's follow her." Fred said

"Are you sure you're not just stuck on Thorn, Freddie?" Daphne asks.

The two then sneak after Thorn, eventually to ashack in the back yard of a 50s style mansion

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