Chapter 10: The Final Battle

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"Now, where was I?" Ben said as he opened back to the spell

"Dreadful darkness, hear my cry. Bring back one who cannot die." Ben chanted

Mystery Inc. Ruby, Blake, and Weiss all got out and started to run over to stop Ben but it was too late as he chanted the last line from the spell

"Let the witch who perished here, LIVE AGAIN, and re-appear!!" Ben chanted. Just then, Everyone felt the ground shaking as a vortex formed in the sky

As the vortex got faster, the world started to shake. Shaggy and Scooby tried to get up but go stuck in a wooden wheel, Ruby was sent flying but got back down to the ground by sliding down a tree using Cresent Rose, Blake, Yang, Fred, Daphne, and Velma were sent flying into the side of a building.

After a while, some dust started spinning in the air forming a figure. After a while, the dust settled a little revealing a ghost of a woman. This was the real ghost of Sarah Ravencroft

"In my wildest dreams, I could never have imagined such an imposing creature." Ben said with amazement

"Thank thee. Thou cans't not know what my bondage has been like. Who are thou?" Sarah asks

"Ben Ravencroft. Your decadent. From the modern world." Ben answers.

"Modern?" Sarah scoffs looking around. "Not much seems to have changed." she adds

"Please, don't hurt us!" The mayor pleads

"The same pathetic peasants, grobbeling for their puny lives." Sarah said looking around

"Sarah, I-" Ben started before Sarah slapped his hand "I want to become more powerful, like you!" he added

Sarah laughed. "Thou jist" Sarah said

"But it was I who released you! You should serve me!" Ben scolded

"I serve no one! Leastwise a worm like thee." Sarah said. "Thou hast freed me, so I can punish the world for my long imprisonment" she added

Sarah then used some magic releasing a green smoke that destroys wooden fences and trees as it goes by them and Fred, Velma, Blake, and Weiss gasped at this as it happened

"I shall create an era of darkness over this land." Sarah said as she laughed menichally

The green smoke slowly approached the wheel Shaggy and Scooby were stuck in

"Like, we're goners, Scoob!" Shaggy said as him and Scooby said as the smoke slowly gets closer

Before they can get out though, something runs by grabbing the two leaving behind a trail of rose pedals

The two look and see that it was Ruby. She used her Semblance to save Shaggy and Scooby. She then set the two down and used Cresent Rose to break the wheel they were stuck in

"Like, thanks Ruby." Shaggy said

Meanwhile, he smoke eventually stopped just after it destroyed one more tree

"This isn't what I invisioned! We were supposed to rule the world, together! Not destroy it!" Ben said as his whole plan wasn't going how he planned it

"I care not for thy wins. Cross my path, and I shall destroy thee along with thy world!" Sarah said in a booming voice

"But I have the book! And I will return you back into the book!" Ben said as he opened the spellbook. "Ancient evil get the hense, only good can recompense-" Ben started before Sarah laughed menichally interrupting Ben

Team RWBY in Scooby-Doo! and The Witch's GhostOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz