Chapter 3: Sick (continue)

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"I'll have to clean myself first, I can't eat before brushing my teeth."

Eddy talked as he stood up, suddenly feeling his leg weaken and could not support his body weight. He hastily grabbed the edge of the table while adrenaline was pumping through out his body. Brett ran over and hold Eddy by his arms, "Eddy!" He exclaimed.

A few seconds past and Eddy was able to calm himself again. He stood upright, hands lifted of the counter and cupped Brett's red cheek, "I'm fine, just lost my balance there for a sec. See I can stand now, don't worry." He tried to reassure Brett that he was fine but to no avail.

"We gonna see a doctor." Brett said, still holding him by the hands but tightened his grip. He felt his heart pumping as hard as Eddy's a few seconds ago because he thought he was going to faint right then and there, and now he was stuck in a loop of thinking all the worse outcomes that might happen with Eddy's sickness. Eddy pulled Brett into a hug, feeling Brett's heart pumping so hard against his chest. Eddy laid his cheek on his boyfriend's shoulder with his mouth slightly brushing against Brett's neck.

"Did I scared you? I'm sorry..." He mumbled onto the crooked part of Brett's neck. It sent a shiver down his spine as he had never felt Eddy's warm breath on his most sensitive part of the skin.

"You did scare me but you don't have to apologise for that, it's not your fault. It's probably my fault for overreacting like your mum." Brett laughed as he replied Eddy, feeling his body started to calm down in Eddy's embrace.

"But we still have to go to a doctor though, to give you a proper body check and medicine." Brett continued as he pulled himself away from Eddy's hug, even though he wished that moment could last forever.

Eddy furrowed his eyebrow and sarcastically said "I am not your son, mum. It's just a common flu. All I need is sleep and rest, then I will be fine. Plus, medication bill is really expensive, I don't want to spend extra money on this. We can just get some medicine from the pharmacy"

"You are my world, babe. How can I just let you be sick without knowing the source of your illness. I'll pay for your bill, don't worry. Now go brush your teeth and wash your face, we'll leave after you finish your soup." Brett said sternly and stared seriously into Eddy's eyes.

Eddy knew he could not defeat Brett on this so he did what he told him to do and 1 hour later, Brett was driving them to the nearest clinic.

"I told you it is just a flu." Eddy said with a hoarsed voice, sitting on the passenger seat while Brett was driving to get some Chinese takeaway.

"At least they have confirmed you didn't suffer from fever." Brett turned to Eddy when he was waiting for the traffic light. "You better go to sleep early today after taking the medicine."

"Whatever, MuM~" Eddy said in a mocking tone but actually felt warmth spread around his body.

They arrived back at Eddy's home and had dinner together in front of the television. Eddy finished his meal first before Brett, as always, and he rested his head on Brett's shoulder. He felt his head became heavier as the sickness kicked back in. Eddy closed his eyes, trying to ignore the aching.

Brett looked over to his weak boyfriend and saw his brows furrowed, forming wrinkles in between. He placed his fingers between Eddy's brows, messaging and hoping to elevate his pain.

"Take your medicine and sleep in bed okay?" Brett asked Eddy with his calming voice. Eddy hid his face in Brett's neck, wanting his boyfriend to stay with him for the night. They remained in this position for a while with Brett's arms wrapping around Eddy to pull him deeper into a hug.

"I want to cuddle... stay with me please." Eddy whispered into the crooked part of Brett's neck.

"What did you say?" Brett pulled Eddy away and tried to understand what was Eddy mumbling just now.

"Cuddle with me tonight please?" Eddy finally opened his eyes and looked at Brett. Eddy was never the clingy one but today he really needed Brett to be by his side. Staring into Eddy's cute puppy eyes, Brett couldn't find any reasons to refuse his request.

"Anything for you." Brett said before placing a kiss on Eddy's forehead. Both of them blushed as the shorter violinist pulled the taller one into a loving hug.

Brett ended up sleeping with his arms around Eddy with the sick boy curled up in his chest. He felt his warm breathe hitting against his chest, penetrated through his t-shirt. His breathing was steady, slow and calming. It's like a hypnotising lullaby, bringing Brett into the deepest sleep in his entire life.

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