Inko And Katsuki

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After many hours of sitting around and slowly eating their meals they finally stood up and left the food court, they walked around a little bit before actually deciding to leave the mall.  The two walked down the sidewalk hand in hand with beams of light from the evening sunset reflecting off of them.  They talked the whole way to Izuku's house and even while walking up the path to the door, there once funny aura became serious as they looked at the door.  There anxious because Izuku would be seeing his mom who has been mourning over him for an entire year, Izuku is nervous but excited to see his mother again.  Izuku shakily knocks on the door, Shinso puts a hand on his back for comfort, a short green haired lady opens the door with a small smile "Hello?" she asked them before looking Izuku in the eyes.  Her dark green eyes filled with tears while looking at her precious son who has been missing for a year now "Izuku!!!" she screamed, practically tackling the frail boy in her arms.  Izuku softly cries on Inko's shoulder as his dear mother sobs holding onto him tightly as if she were going to lose him again.

After a ton of crying and hugging Inko finally stood, wiping her eyes and looking over to Shinso "And who are you?" she asked curiously smiling through her final bit of  tears.  Izuku spoke before Shinos could "His name is Shinso and he kept me alive while I was...Lost" he explained while pushing Shinso forward, towards his mother.  Inko looked at Shinso and Izuku back and forth she then hugged Shinso tightly and nearly broke down again "thank you for keeping my boy safe" She chokes out, Inko smiles and pushed both boys inside the house "make yourself at home, i'm going to finish dinner for us all" she smiles happily and walks away leaving the boys alone together by the front door.  Izuku turns his heels and hugs onto Shinso "your the greatest" Izuku says softly, Shinso blushes and smiles "ah! thanks Izu"

They stood there in each others arms before Izuku spoke up "want to go see my room?" he asked looking up at Shinso "sure I would love to" Shinso smiles and looks down into Izuku's beautiful forest green eyes.  Izuku takes his hand gently and walked upstairs, after a small amount of walking they reached Izuku's room and entered, Shinso sat down on Izuku's bed while looking around the plain looking room with a handful All Might figures "it definitely modern" Shinso smiles looking over at the green haired boy.  "Thanks, I know it's not much but hey it's alright" Izuku chuckled nervously.

There moment was rudely interrupted by the doorbell downstairs and Inko yelling "I Got it!".  Shinso nodded softly and pulled Izuku onto the bed by the wrists and hugged onto him "Im glad im here with you" Shinso smiled while hugging onto the boy "Im gla-" Izuku was cut off by loud yelling downstairs and the thuds of someone dashing up the stairs.  Izuku's bedroom door busted open, Shinso protectively held Izuku in his arms as a blonde haired male looked at them both in horror "Deku?..." the blonde called looking Izuku in the eyes.  Izuku looked back at the blonde with the same expression "K-Kacchan?!" Izuku called back at the blonde as Shinso loosened his grip around Izuku.  Izuku got off the bed and stood up looking at the blonde, the blonde dashed to Izuku and hugged him tightly making Izuku squeal a little bit out of surprise.  "I'm so so sorry deku, please never leave again!!" Katsuki yelled while hugging onto deku, while this was happening Inko finally caught up with Katsuki and watched there special moment from Izuku's doorway, a faint smile curved on her face.

Katsuki cries while holding Izuku tightly "I loved you deku, I always did I'm so sorry...please forgive me" Shinso feels a tinge of jealousy from watching them, he wears a slight glare while looking at Katsuki.  Katsuki pulls away slightly looking Izuku in the eyes and wrapping his arms around his waist, pulling him into a kiss that both Inko and Shinso where shocked by, Katsuki pulls away and smiles down at Izuku.  Izuku's face is bright red while looking back at the blonde.

Katsuki looked over at Shinso, returning the glare "who is this insomniac, deku?" He asked sounding annoyed by the Purple haired boy on Izuku's bed.  Izuku smiles "That is shinso, he took care of me and kept me happy for that whole year I was gone for" Shinso smirks at Izuku and Katsuki, he is genuinely satisfied by Katsuki's jealous expression.  "Something the matter blondie?" Shinso asked with a cocky tone in his voice "Oh shut the fuck up Insomiac!" Katsuki yelled.  Inko smiled and walked away letting the boys to bicker over her son, Shinso was genuinely entertained by Katsuki's annoyed expression "what you want a kiss as well, insomniac!?" Katsuki took his turn at being cocky.
Izuku just giggled watching the two fight over something so silly, "sure thing blasty" Shinso smirked and walked towards Katsuki making the blonde back up slightly "What the fuck?..." Katsuki said quietly.  Izuku just watched very confused and thinks to himself "are they flirting with each other now?" just as Izuku thought that Shinso actually kissed Katsuki.  Izuku is very confused but it seems Katsuki likes it...

There Relationship just got more heated in the last 20 minutes, Izuku Is worried how far this is going to go...

Thanks so much for reading chapter four!!
More will me out soon💕

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2019 ⏰

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