Please don't forget that I will always be by your side. Please don't erase my heart that would sacrifice everything for you."

Ever since her eyes locked with mine, her hand brushed against me, her velvet-like voice reached my ear, I knew I love her. I have been in love with her for years and yet I still get the same feeling I got when she first told me she loves me back.

Her lips against mine give me such a rush that nearly makes me fall over. Each day with her is another day I fall more for her smile, her laugh, her easy-going personality and everything else about her.

Even when the world is black. Even when there's something that stops us from being with each other. Tell me, will you stay by my side till the end?

I love you so much, Minju.

Now it's time for you to tell me too.

Do you love me like I love you too?"

She didn't say anything but to listen to each word that comes out of my mouth. She just stares at my hopeful eyes. The eyes that are hoping that she would feel the same too.

I put my hands on both sides of her face gently making it turn towards me. our face is so close. So close that our noses are almost touching.

"Look at me, Minju.....

Do you still love me even when I will get married tomorrow?

Look at me in the eyes and tell me, Minju........

You do know a heart full of love can't be hidden, right?

So I know if you're lying or not."































"I-I love y-you too, Chae- Chaewonie."

She repeats once more making sure I heard her right before our lips touch each other. "I love you too, Kim Chaewon."

The rain runs down our faces to where our lips meet, each of us tasting the cold drops. There is something so heavenly about a kiss in the rain, a tender moment that just won't wait.

I wonder if she knows how crazy that drives me, how it makes me want to feel every inch of her skin. But right now, im okay with just kissing her.

You kissed the droplets from my lips, and I felt your lips smile against mine. Minju pushes her lips in more firmly and the wave that runs through me is intoxicating, making my head swim as I pull back to take in her beautiful face.

"I love you so much, Kim Minju. You had no idea......"

Love, you are the sky and the clouds; you are the gentle river and the birds that sing. I feel you in the air, long for your touch, recall you in a way that sends electricity to spark my mind, body and soul.

You are medicine; you are light; you are laughter and hope. I slipped my heart into your pocket some time ago and there it will stay, safe and sound.

"Now let's get you inside and get you dry up. If not, you might catch a cold," Minju grab my hand to drag me into her house. Luckily we are in time before the rain falls harder.

"Can I sleep here?" I ask with no shame because I know in fact that she lives here alone. Her parents live not so far from here and sometimes you wonder why the heck she has two houses.

"I guess you can. I feel lonely being alone during the rainy day anyway," she came out of her room handing me one of her oversized white hoodie and a pair of sweatpants for me to wear. "The bathroom is right there," she pointed at one of the room.

I feel grateful that Minju is the one I love. Like where else can you find a goddess that looks like an angel and act like one? I wonder how lucky I am to have her in love with me too.

It took me like around 15 minutes to finish showering. Not sure if that's fast or not but that's usually how long I take a shower.

Her room was like heaven, literally, everything is in white.

The walls were fresh snow that pulsed in the light. Her comforter was pulled over her bed. A desk sat in one corner, clean from any garbage. A few shelves were pushed against the walls and filled with books. Neatly organised.

I crawl towards her who is sitting on her bed. I wrap my arms around her torso and hugged her close. In the darkness, our cuddles feel like a little touch of heaven, warm, together, cosy.

Within seconds her body is moulded to my own, sharing her body heat as easily as she shares her heart.

I wish I could extend the night just so I could stay close to you for longer, safe in your embrace. Your arms wrapped right around me bring a peace I had never known before, a calming of the storms in my heart.

Love HurtsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora