1. The Ugly Truth

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The Institute of Perfection. A place where perfect dolls are trained to get into the big world where they can meet their perfect human match. It was also the place for, well, perfection. Dolls would walk up and stand under the scanner and be given a name, appearance, and career. But, three female dolls were made with unique appearances. And it caught the attention of other dolls.
The new girl dolls were named June, Hazel and Selena. The moment they stepped foot into the Institute, boys whispered about how they wanted to date them while girls whispered about wishing they could be like them. The three girls went under a tree and started talking to each other. "I...honestly don't think I'll like it here," Hazel admitted, "I've noticed other dolls are whispering about us."
"You're not the only one here," June said, "This place seems to have an extremely strict code about being flawless."
"Tell me about it," Selena said while admiring her nails, "It's like being forced to be some kind of pretty pink princess and having to wait for some prince to sweep you off your feet. Especially if you know that the prince isn't your true love."
"On the plus side," Hazel added, "At least this institute is a whole lot better than having no place to go."
"True," Selena and June said together. As they started to talk and get to know each other, they failed to see a pink doll walk under the scanner. Suddenly, the scanner malfunctioned and fell to the ground catching the attention of the girls and the dolls nearby. An orange doll pointed at said pink doll as it smiled. Suddenly, the dolls nearby started screaming in fear and running away.
"Whoa!" June exclaimed, "That was unexpected. Take a look at those, girls. Have you seen dolls look so...colorful before?"
"Not at all," Selena said as she watched them walk in, "I know that the blue one is supposed to be a dog and the red one a bat but, what are the grey, the pink and the orange ones supposed to be?"
"I don't know," Hazel said, "Their styles are pretty wacky if you ask me. Too bad those dolls think otherwise."
"I know," June frowned, "Is it really necessary for them to be hypercritical over their appearances?"
Meanwhile, three girls named Kitty, Tuesday and Lydia were minding their own business when they saw the Uglydolls. "Ew," Kitty cringed, "What are those?"
"Is that supposed to be some kind of dog?" Lydia asked.
"Lou is so not gonna like this," Tuesday pointed out.
"Definitely," Kitty said, "He'll be like, ' I do not like this. Ew, ew, ew.' " She then did an impression on Lou which made Tuesday laugh.
"Oh my god!" Tuesday exclaimed, "That's such a good impression on Lou, Kitty!"
"I know, right?" Kitty, Tuesday and Lydia looked at a girl called Mandy, expecting her to agree. "I...I know too, right?" Mandy said, causing them to roll their eyes at her.
"Excuse me, girls?" Nolan asked, "Uh, who's Lou?" Suddenly, the lights went off and a spotlight shined down on Nolan, causing the other dolls to stare at him.
"Who's Lou?" Kitty repeated, offended, "What? Were you born yesterday?"
"Uh, yes?"
"Look, listen and learn." Kitty, Tuesday, and Lydia said together as the silhouette of Lou appeared. All the dolls started cheering and chanting for Lou while Tuesday shouted, "I love you, Lou!"
June, Hazel and Selena walked with the dolls, confused with what was going on. "Is a concert really that necessary?" Hazel asked, "This Lou guy could've introduced himself to that doll face to face."
"Yeah," June said, "Talk about ego."
"Too cliche," Selena said, frowning at the concert as music started to play. There, at the top of the steps, stood Lou. All the dolls, except for Hazel, Selena and June, swooned and fainted at the sight of Lou as he made his way down the steps in a slick and flawless way.
So far, the three girls watched as Lou impressed the other dolls with his dancing skills and they weren't impressed at all. "Styled hair, charismatic grin, attractive tuxedo and a bunch of fans," Selena pointed out, "Those are signs of a possible player. Definitely not my type."
"Yeah. We want someone that knows how to respect a person's feelings," Hazel said, "It's quite obvious that Lou most likely isn't that person."
"No truer words have been said," June said, "He's not our type."
Just when they thought the concert couldn't get any worse, it did. Lou started pointing out the small flaws of certain dolls and called them "ugly". This angered the girls as they knew that appearances do not matter. "Who does Lou think he is?" June angrily questioned, "Calling those dolls "ugly" all because of a small flaw that they have? Hypercritical much?"
"The sad fact is that no one else notices this kind of behavior that Lou is displaying," Selena frowned.
"Yeah," Hazel nodded, "It's like they're falling for a fake role model. They're going to assume that he's a good man until one day, he'll break their perfect hearts by showing them what kind of man he is."
The girls watched as Lou sang the song and started judging Nolan by his appearance, made him wear a sign that said "Ugly", and caused him to cry. For some reason, Hazel felt extremely angry. She secretly thought that Nolan looked adorable with his freckles. Lou danced as the background singers started singing only to stop when he saw Hazel, Selena, June and the Uglydolls.
"Wait!" Lou called out, stopping the music. Lou couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the girls. They were just stunning. For the first time in his life, he felt something that he never felt before towards any doll. It was....love. Yes, that had to be it. Lou came down to the crowd and started singing to Hazel, Selena and June.
"Look at you, look at you, look at you
"I ain't seen nothing like you before
"I mean words fail me, I mean I'm tongue tied, I mean I'm speechless, baby"
Lou walked around the girls, taking in every detail of their beauty. He knew that they would be the perfect queens of Perfection. All he had to do was win their hearts. Simple, right?
"What are girls like you, doing in a place like this?
"I gotta tell you girls you're pretty! But, I can't say the same for those, though"
Lou took notice that the girls weren't impressed with his compliment and didn't bother to thank him. He then started insulting the Uglydolls, making them feel self conscious about their appearance. The background singers put a paper bag on the orange doll's head. Hazel, Selena and June glared at Lou as he finished his song to the Uglydolls. "I really do feel bad," Lou said in faux sympathy, "but, kids just don't want ugly. I don't know where you belong but, it's not here. And that's the ugly truth!"

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