Chapter 2-New School

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Saturday, August 9, 6:31 am

I woke up feeling so refreshed the next day. I had woken up a little early, so I decided to go up on my roof spot. I watched the sun rise, and it was beautiful. I sat up there for nearly an hour, taking in the fresh air and sunlight.

After I went down and sat on my bed, the door opened.

"Morning, Em! I slept great!" said Benny.

I giggled. "Well I'm glad you did; so did I."

"My bed was huge! It could fit like ten of me on it! Hey, when do you think we could get some food?"

"I don't know, why don't we go down and ask."

We walked downstairs and headed for the kitchen. Before we could open the door, Veronica walked out.

"Oh! Good morning, you two, I was just about to come see if you were awake. Did you sleep well?" she asked.

"Ya! I slept great!" said Benny.

"Me too," I said smiling.

"Good! Well, let's eat some breakfast, shall we?" she asked motioning to the kitchen.

We walked into the dining room. When we walked in, we saw a table filled with pancakes.

"Wow! Pancakes!" said Benny running over to a seat. He started to stuff his face.

"Benny, manners," I warned him.

He looked at me and slowed down his eating, barely. I sat down and poured some syrup on my pancakes. I ended up eating four pancakes. Benny tried to eat four, but could only manage two and a half.

"Wow, I'm stuffed. I knew I had a high metabolism, but this is ridiculous," I sat patting my full stomach.

"I'm full too," said Benny tired. He looked at his full stomach.

"Alright, now that you're done eating, I've got something to tell you. I've got a test for the both of you. It's so I can see where you are in school," said Veronica.

"Alright, where is it?" I asked a bit eager.

"Aw! I just got here and I'm already doing school!" complained Benny throwing his hands up in the air dramatically.

"Benny!" I glared at him, and he squirmed underneath my glare.

"What? I was just kidding."

Veronica and I giggled.

"Alright, the test is in your room on your desk. I've got to go to work now, but I'll see you at dinner," she said. She waved goodbye and we waved back. After she left, me and Benny got up from the table and headed to our rooms.

It took us nearly all day to finish the test. I had to help Benny with the math part, but he did pretty good on his own. I for one didn't know if I did good at all. If she took a grade on it, I would guess a B or a D. Benny did pretty well though.

When Veronica got home, we had just placed the tests on her desk in the office.

"Hi, Veronica, we finished the tests and placed them on your desk in the office," I said.

"Oh that's good," said Veronica.

"So how was your day?" asked Benny.

"My day was fine, thank you for asking, Benny, and how was yours?" she asked.

"Great! I finished the test and I got to play outside for a little while."

"That's nice, Emily, what about you?"

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