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snowflakes that stay on my nose
and eyelashes
word count: 1270

trixie was laying in her bed, looking through her open window at the first snow this year. it was 12th of december and it was getting colder and colder.

she had her apple music turned on with her favourite calm playlist playing. it was a perfect evening. she had a cup of tea by her side. wearing her favourite christmas socks. it was finally cold enough for sweaters. trixie loved wearing sweaters.

this is no ordinary love...

staring blankly through the window and thinking about her future. what is she going to do? where is she going to go after school? who is going to go through it all with her?

smiling at the thought of being a teacher one day, she looked at her phone. 7:46. it was still early. she could call someone to come over or to go out for a walk in the snow. or to fall in love.

there's nothing like you and i baby...

she opened her instagram and scrolled through it. seemed like eternity. she checked the time again. 7:49. literally 3 minutes have passed and a new song started playing.

got my finger on the trigger, like i'm about to blow your mind...

trixie loved this song. she smiled, stood up from her bed and started bopping to the beat. she loved how calm it was and she could vibe to it at the same time. it made her feel safe. comfortable.

so i'm saying goodbye, saying goodbye, saying goodbye, for the last time...

trixie felt as comfortable as ever. her hands were all over her body and she was moving her legs to the beat of the song. it was slowly ending and a new song started playing.

the world was on fire and no one could save me but you...

trixie sat back on her bed and started staring through the window again. the snow stopped falling and it covered every inch of grass there was in front of her house. it looked like a white cover has been spread all over the town. trixie opened the window. she loved the smell of fresh air.

no i don't wanna fall in love with you...

she closed her eyes and started thinking. christmas is coming close and she hasn't got any plans yet. she doesn't have anyone to spend it with. her mom is going to germany because she has to work and trixie is staying home alone. she wants to invite someone over but she doesn't have anyone.

roxanne, you don't have to put on the red light...

bling. her phone turned on all of a sudden, she received a text from an unknown number. trixie quickly turned so she was laying on her stomach.

unknown number:
hi, it's katya from french, i know this is random but do you want to hang out?

trixie looked at her phone again in disbelieve. the katya?

you make it look like it's magic...

uh hi, u sure u got the right number haha, we literally never talked before

trixie saved the contact name to 'katya'

i hope so, is this trixie?

yeah that's me lol,

well i wanted to talk to you before but i never got the chance so like,,,,,,, im asking u to hang out

trixie just stared at her phone again, smiling widely. she always wanted to get to know katya. she was beautiful. but why did she want to talk to trixie at all? literally no one wants to talk to her, ever.

is this a prank because i aint falling for it

she secretly hoped it wasn't. she really did because katya was the only person trixie wanted to see right now for some odd reason. even though they never talked before.

why would it be a prank,,,,,,,, i just kinda wanna meet u

how did u get my number

bought it from some stalker kid lol


hey calm down its a joke, violet gave it to me

well,,,,,,,, is that a yes or am i getting hot chocolate by myself,,,,,,,,

the starbucks near school in 15


what the fuck did trixie just do? she had 5 minutes to get ready as her school was 10 minutes away. she quickly changed and put a bit of makeup on. she was wearing a pink striped sweater, a white skirt and pink tights that matched the colour of the sweater.

she quickly put on some shoes and a white coat and started running in the snow. hopefully she isn't late.

8:21. trixie was a bit late but she couldn't see katya anywhere. she stepped inside and ordered 2 hot chocolates with caramel. 8:31. she knew she shouldn't have come.

and then she hears the door open and someone sits on the opposite side of the table. "sorry babe, had to scream at my mom for a bit, you know how that goes," the blonde said. trixie was completely shocked by how beautiful katya had looked.

"hey, doll-face? you here?"

"uh.. yeah..." "kitty ate your tongue?" katya said and winked at trixie as she almost melted. how is she doing this to her? "so like, katya... why did u decide to write me in first place?" trixie said and took a sip from her chocolate but quickly regretted it as it burned her tongue.

"well, i admire you, you're like the smartest person in our class..." trixie interrupted. "is this like a way for you to make me do your french homework? cause not going to work."

katya bit her lip while smiling. "yeah, that's exactly what it is. no, listen to me. you are like, very smart and you dress nicely and you look nice so i decided to talk to you, so now that we are talking, tell me about yourself."

trixie raised her brow. "alright... i've been playing guitar since i was 6, and i also sing. i love to sing. i love to dance too, and also another random fact, i love frida kahlo. oh, and salvador dalí. they are my favourite artists. you probably never heard of dalí but he's amazing, and i'm going to stop talking now because i'm annoying."

katya smiled again. if she does it one more time, trixie is going to melt. "no don't stop please, you're voice is so calm and i love it, please keep talking."

they kept talking far into the night and it was turning 10. "hey, girls, hate to break it to you but we're closing so i'd like to ask you to slowly finish your drink and leave."

they were walking down the white street. "you don't have to walk me home, i know where i live." "but i don't, besides, if i give your address to that stalker kid i can get my money back," katya replied and winked. fuck.

trixie couldn't help but smile back. "look, it's snowing again!" she looked up at the sky and a snowflake landed on her eyelashes. trixie absolutely loved that feeling. "these are a few of my favourite things," she sang quietly. "what, snowflakes that stay on your nose and eyelashes?" katya smiled. they kept walking.

"well this is my house, thank you for a nice evening." katya was just a bit taller than trixie. she stepped on her toes and gave trixie a kiss on the forehead.

"see you in french, doll-face!" katya said one last time and winked at trixie.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2020 ⏰

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