2. Save it for the Police

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I run in my front door, not caring that my mom will now that I ditched.  

"Andrea, what are you doing home?  School doesn't end for another 20 minutes!" she exclaims.

"I'm sorry, but I ditched.  I just didn't want to deal with the people in sixth hour.  Just hear me out-" I try to tell her what just happened.

"Just because you don't like the people doesn't mean that you shouldn't go to that class."

"Okay, I hear you, but I need to tell you something," I say quickly and she nods expectantly.

"I went to Starbucks on 4th, and I wasn't feeling too confident about that neighborhood, so I tried to make it quick, but I walked in on a robbery," I choke out all in one breath and she gasps.

"Oh my God!  Are you okay, honey?  Did you get hurt?"

"Well, everyone was on the floor so I got down and he had a gun.  After he took the money, he started shooting the other people in the place, so I ran for it.  I ran out the door and drove straight home.  Before he took the money, though, he asked me for my name and school, so I gave him a fake school.  I don't know why I didn't give him a fake name.  He may have gotten my license plate number too, because he probably saw me get in my truck."

"Andy!  This is terrible!  If you'd've just went to sixth hour, we wouldn't be in this situation.  We need to talk to the police.  Let's go.  We need to talk to them now."

"But what if he finds out we snitched on him?!"

"Did you see his face?" she asks, raising a brow.

"No, I was too scared to really take notice, but he was probably around 6'2" and he was a bit on the heavier side, I don't know if it was muscle or fat.  He was wearing-"

"Save it for the police, Andy.  They need this information.  Do you know if he followed you home?"

I never thought of that, but I highly doubt that he did.  I didn't see anyone behind me that followed me the entire way home.

"No," I say with a sigh of relief.  My mom gets up and puts a scarf on along with her trenchcoat.  

"Good.  Now, let's go."  She walks into the garage and gets in the car.  I follow her and we drive off to the police station.


We arrive at the Oregon Police Department at around 3:30 p.m..  

"Can we help you ladies?" asks a middle-aged officer with hairloss and a strange moustache.

"Yes, we'd like to report something and get some advice," my mom says.

"Okay, well you two can just wait right while I go to get my supervisor." He smiles and goes through a foggy glass door. Within five minutes, he's back with another man, probably in his forties.  He's very tall and thin, and wears a dress shirt and slacks with suspenders with holsters.

"Hello, I'm Officer Venin.  What can I help you with?"  He smiles widely extends his hand to my mother.

She takes the hand it shakes it,"I'm Victoria, and this is my daughter Andy."  I take his hand and shake it as well.

"Nice to meet you Victoria and Andy.  Why don't you two come back to my office and we can chat."  He motions for us to follow as he walks behind the counter and through the door.  "Please, have a seat.  Now, what do you need to talk about?"

"Well, why don't you tell him Andy," my mom suggests.  I agree and tell him everything that happened.

"Well he could definitely do something with that information.  Did you see his face or could you describe him, please?"

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