An invitation

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Fortunately; Wills punishment wasn't too severe.

As multiple students witnessed Abel initiate the fight, the curly-haired boys penalty was only an hour detention every day after school for a month. Unlike Hannibal, who thought the sentence was light and perhaps even generous, Will was livid.


Will fiddles with his thumbs and stares, lost in thought at the ceiling of his classroom. There's only a few students, none conversing with one another, and a teacher marking papers at the front of the class. This was the sixth day of detention out of the month, and Abel didn't show up for any of them. Will begins to remember the events which caused his situation, and how Abel had a smile plastered on his smug face the whole time Will was attacking him. Then, he recalls his short time in the Waiting Room with Hannibal, and scoffs to himself. "Curious." He repeats in a whispered tone, with an entertained, yet confused pitch to his voice.

Abruptly, the familiar sound of hooves echo throughout the room, and Will snaps back into consciousness. The Stag from Wills dreams stands idle in the hallway of the school, glaring through the entranceway of the room and directly at Will. In an automatic response, the boy instantly darts his eyes towards the other students and the teacher, only to find himself alone. Slowly, the animal stomps in, and the recognisable pattern of its hooves boom loudly though the room and the surrounding corridor. Will shoots up from his desk and backs towards the furthest wall of his class, his legs tremble heavily as he holds his breath.


A voice comes from seemingly nowhere, however it rings piercingly within the teens ears. He feels an invisible, yet comforting force on his forehead, and he leans against the delicate pressure.


In that moment, he regains consciousness.

"Will, you're sweating." A concerned Hannibal is crouching beside his classmate, with his hand pressed lightly on the others forehead. His brown eyes are filled with distress, and he scans Will's composure quickly.

"What are you doing he—?" Will winces, his head suddenly aching, the pain was heightened, like someone was trying to remove his brain.

Hannibal frowns, watching the other squirm in pain.
"I was waiting outside for you, but when you didn't exit at the same time as the others students, I was.. concerned." He chuckles slightly, acknowledging that he rarely feels compassionate towards anyone.

Lecter pulls a water bottle out his satchel and holds it against Will's lips, allowing him to take steady sips. Within seconds he drinks the entire flask, and Hannibal hums positively, before returning it to his bag.

Several moments pass, yet he decides not to speak up, and instead, he chooses to give Will time to come-to.

"..I must've fallen asleep.. was I sleep walking?" Will murmurs, his voice quiet.

"Your eyes were open, but you were not present."

"Hmph. I need to stop sleeping all together. Best way to avoid bad dreams." He attempts to lighten the mood, applying a more playful tone to the end of his sentence. Hannibal hints an entertained reaction, then stands; brushing himself off while staring at Will, who's eyes quickly avert onto the desk. Hannibal creates a mental note of the Youngsters behaviour, however he chooses not to bring it up just yet.

"I don't want to leave you in this state. Would you accept if I invited you to my house?" Hannibal offers, at the same time placing Wills bag gently on the desk, like he already knew how he would respond.

"I feel like you won't take no for an answer." Will smiles, and brings himself to his feet, as the daze he was once in was beginning to fade. "..Sure." He finishes, gathering his backpack with the assistance of the light-haired man beside him.

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