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Saturday, June 15th 1962

The sun was beginning to set meaning it was time to call it a day, we collected our stuff and left the sandlot. Most of the guys lived in my neighbourhood so a majority of us walked back together.

As some of us neared our home they part ways, which left me Benny and Smalls.

"You did good today Smalls" Benny complimented and I nod agreeing with Benny.

"Thanks.." he awkwardly replies, cute

"Well I'll see you guys tomorrow" Benny said his goodbye and parted ways with us.

"Wait Benny! Your glove" Smalls shouts bringing his hand up making Benny turn back. "Keep it man" Benny smiles.

"Great! Thanks!" Smalls excitedly said as Benny went into his house.

"Hey Smalls, wear a t-shirt and jeans tomorrow" I informed him considering his current outfit wasn't really the best for playing baseball.

"Alright" Scotty nods, I wave goodbye and walk up to my porch.

"Hey mom! Guess what!" Scotty excitedly shouts opening his front door, I stifle a laugh and head inside.

The beginning to a great summer


Sunday, June 16th 1962

"Hamilton 'the babe' Porter" Ham says while lightly swinging the bat.

"Long ball Porter" Ham gets himself into place before pointing up to the sky, sending all of us into fits of laughter.

"Hurry up DeNunez" Ham commands, this causes us to calm down at get ready to begin the game. Kenny pitches the ball and Ham swings missing it completely, the ball lands in Benny's glove.

"Woah, that went straight over your head" Benny chuckled throwing the ball back to DeNunez.

"You call that pitching?!" Ham yells as the rest of the guys laugh, "This is baseball! Not tennis!" Ham growls.

"Give him a tennis racket" I shouted across the field.

"Give me something to hit" Ham demands, "This is my heater, I dare you to hit it!" Kenny challenges.

"You'll be sorry" Ham mumbles, DeNunez pitches the ball and Ham swings. We watch as the ball flies all to the other side of the field and Smalls tries to catch it but it goes over the fence.

"Yeah! That's how you do it!" Ham excitedly says as he begins to jog around the diamond. I rub my temples in frustration jogging my way over to Benny.

"Ham, you idiot! Now we can't play no more" Benny grumbles in frustration taking of his mask.

"You idiot!" The boys shout while the throw their baseball gloves at him.

"Stupid idiot!" I throw my glove in his direction  hitting him directly in the head.

"Good throw" Benny giggles, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as we watched the others destroy Ham with their gloves.

"Wait a sec, I'll get it!" Smalls shouts running over to the fence and climbing it. We all stop dead in our tracks and stare at Smalls.

"NO STOP!" We all yelled as he looked back, we bolt towards him grabbing the back of his shirt to pull him back down.

"What are you guys doing?! I'm trying to get the ball" Smalls asks confused.

"Are you trying to get yourself killed?" I exclaimed staring at Smalls.

"Yeah yeah, truly! What are ya doin?" Yeah Yeah questioned.

"Well you guys were leaving, so I thought I would get the ball" Smalls explained thinking there was nothing wrong.

"There is no way you are getting that ball back" Benny told him with a panicked look on his face.

"We don't?" Smalls murmured.

"We don't" I repeated after him.

"It's game over now, we can just get another tomorrow" Benny shrugged.

"That ball is history, it's just a memory now" Kenny told him, causing Smalls to look at us with confusion.

"It's history" Timmy says

"It's history" Tommy repeated

"Kiss it goodbye" Timmy answered

"Kiss it-"

"Shut up, Tommy" Timmy said, rolling his eyes

"But why?" Scotty continued to questions, we all let out a sigh before explaining it to him.

"The beast" we all say at the same time, "the what?" Scotty asked.

"Just look through the hole in the fence" I tell him as I slowly get fed up with the conversation. He slowly walks over drawing his eye closer to the hole, in a matter of seconds Smalls runs over to us with a scared look on his face.

"Something got the ball guys!" Scotty gulped, "what was that thing?" We all look at one another then back to Smalls.

"Camp out" we say in unison.

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