The Encounter.

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Here's chapter 2. Hope you enjoy~


"W-who are you?" I whispered. My back was still pressed hard against a tree. "What a-are you doing?" It was dark so I couldn't see his or her face.

"Shhh, don't speak or I'll kill you." A woman? Her deep yet sexy voice caught my attention. I know I shouldn't be thinking about how sexy her voice is right now. Especially when she was pinning me me against a tree and threatening to kill me if I make any noise but still I couldn't help it.

"I'm thristy and you smell too nice. I'm getting impatient." She whispered into my ear. "Try not to scream too much, but I doubt anyone could hear us."

'I won't kill you, but it will hurt.' The voice said in my head. 'This is telepathy, I can hear your thoughts. And I guess you already know what I am.'



She swipe my hair back, revealing my bare neck to her. I shivered when she breathed down neck.

'Here goes.'

Then I felt a pair of fangs dugged into my neck. I couldn't hold back a scream. I could feel my blood, my life, being sucked out of my body. The pain, the agony I'm feeling was indescribable.

"Please! Stop!" I screamed but was ignored. I don't know how long I've screamed for and I want it to stop. Suddenly, a wall of dizziness hit me. "Please, I don't want to die." I choked out, panting heavily.

I moaned a little as she took her fangs out of my neck.

'Do you feel dizzy?'

I nodded. Then my knees give out but the vampire caught me before I hit the floor.


She lifted me up bridal style and my world began to blackened.


"...shut up! I don't want to hear that from you!" A familiar voice shouted. Although I can hear but I refuse to open my eyes just yet.

"Says the one that brought a human back." A male?

"I was too thirsty I couldn't help it. You're just jealous that I found a good-tasting food aren't you?" The girl mocked.

"So what are you going to do about her? I suggest you kill her before she escapes and tell the world about us." They are going to kill me?

"I won't kill her. I'll keep her, she can be my pet or something. Plus she's delicious." Keep me as a pet? What am I? I'm a fucking human for fuck's sake!

"Sure she does smell nice but I don't want to take this risk."

"I can just tie her in the basement and use her only as my food."

"What were you even thinking when you were bringing her back? You're just so out of your mind."

I heard a long sigh.

"I don't even know what I was thinking, but all I know is that I have to save her no matter what."

"Then don't fucking put her on my bed. I don't want a stinking human on it." The male growled and I hear footsteps coming my way.

Pain exploded on my abdomen as I snapped my eyes open and clutched my stomach, coughing my head off. I felt a pair of strong hands lifted me up and threw me off the bed. I remained on the floor, trying to catch my breath.

"What the fuck are you doing?" The girl screamed as she ran over to my side. "Are you okay?" I nodded. Her beautiful figure caught my eyes. Perfect curves and boobs just the right size. Not too big and not too small. Her black hair covered one of her gorgeous grayish-black eyes.

'Stop checking me out. I know I'm hot.'

Her voice said in my brain. She can hear my thoughts?

'Yes, I can. It's my ability. I thought I already told you that but whatever.'

I tried to hide my blush.

'Can you stand?'

"Y-yeah, but I think I might need some help." Without hesitation, she hoisted me up to my feet and began guiding me out of the room.

"Don't fucking bring her into my room again. I'll kill you and her too if you do." The male screamed.

"Your brother?" I asked as I looked around the hallway. It wasn't excatly a nice place to be in, it's like I'm in a horror movie. It's like a castle because the walls are all made of stones and-

'You are in a castle and yup that was my brother, Ethan.'

"You know, I would really appreaciates it if you just talk to me instead of using telepathy." I pointed out, eaning a smirk from her.

"I'm Katarina. Nice to meet you." Her huge grin made me feel relieved. And I don't know why.

"I'm Gwen."

An awkward silence filled the air until we reached a gigantic door. Weird symbols are carved on the stone door.

"Woah..." I was shocked.

"Welcome to my room." Katarina said proudly as she pushed the door open. Her room is as big as a freaking ball! I mean like, how can a room be this big? Although the decorations wasn't as pleasing as I thought it would be. Skulls and bones from both humans and animals are everywhere and I cringed at the smell.

'How rude. It's my hobby to collect bones.'

"What a twisted hobby." I growled. "How many human lives have you ended to decorate this oh-so-wonderful room?"

'Ha! Human bones are made of plastic, only the animals are real.'

I suddenly felt embarrased and muttered a sorry.

"I will have to punish you for talking to me like that.'

Punish? I don't even have to say it out loud since I got the answer before I do.

'Mhmm. Like tie you up and spank you?"

"What the fuck? Are you crazy or out of your mind?" I couldn't believe what she just said. Spank? As in S&M spanking?

'Thanks for the compliment. I am both crazy and out of my fucking mind. Now let's go into my room.'

She pushed me into the room and the gigantic door shutted automatically. The room was pitch black, I couldn't see anything. I almost choked when the stanch(worse then before) hit my nose.

"Katarina? Are you here?"

No answer.

"Katarina?" Panic began to fill me as I desperately clawing in the air for the vampire.

Still there was no answer.

Tears began to sting my eyes and I called out for Katarina for a few more times. A sudden laughter sounded out, making me flinched slightly.


The lights was turned on.

"Your reaction really made me laugh." Katarina tried so hard to hold back her laughters but fail miserably until she choked herself. "Fuck *coughs."

It was my turn to laugh.

'S-stop laughing you idiot.'

But I didn't. Well, not until she suddenly appeared in front of me and grabbed my cheek. Her face was just an inch away from mine.

"U-umm, too close." A little bit closer and she'll kiss me.

But she made no move to step away. She touched my lips with hers.

"That'll shut you up."

Lie (girl x girl) A lesbian vampire storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt