Chapter Four: Present

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"Liam, honey. Breakfast is ready" I walked into the bedroom, smiling happily at my half-awake boyfriend of eight years now. Liam was never a morning person so I didn't take it as a surprise when a pillow landed by my feet.

"I will...down in a minute," He grunted out in his hoarse morning voice. I let out a soft chuckle and left back to the kitchen, setting the plates down on the island and the utensils by the plate.

It was a Sunday and Sunday usually is date night for the two of us. Having a rough schedule doesn't mean we cannot sit down and talk for a few hours. I heard footsteps and I took a glance at the entryway of the kitchen, seeing my handsome man walking in, still in his green boxers.

"Goodmorning sweetheart" He smiled and laid a peck on my cheeks, taking a seat right next to me and instantly begun to dig into the English breakfast.

" 'Morning honey. How was work yesterday? I was asleep by the time you came back" I ate slower than him, waiting till he swallowed his food down before he replied. Since he did work in a construction site he always left early and came back late.

"It wasn't the worst but the day passed by too slow for my liking and we finished at about 11 at night, which led me to arrive here at 12.30" Liam let out a long sigh while stuffing his mouth with food once again.

"I see... You should slow down before you choke honey. the food won't run away you know" I laughed. He smiled at me shaking his head.

"It's because I want to start date night already, I miss you being in my arms" I smiled at him. I'm so lucky this man is mine.

"Me too, baby but I'd rather you don't choke just because you want me back in your arms." I laughed softly and resumed to finish up the bacon.

Once we both had finished eating, Liam took the plates and washed them.

"So should we head out? or would you prefer staying inside?" He asked me, pulling me close to him by my hips.

"Let's stay in today. Watch movie then later on tonight we can order take away" 

"Sure! Ill search up some good movies while you get the snacks" We agreed on the plan and I went ahead to gather all the snacks we had in the pantry. which was a lot! I placed them all on the coffee table and quickly went to get more blankets.

I took three extra blankets and went back with a grin on my face seeing it was ratatouille. I'm just glad it wasn't a horror movie. I sat on the couch, cuddling up against my man's body. 

"Don't get too happy after this we'll be watching a horror movie" He laughed an evil laugh which of course caused a laugh out of me.

"You're so mean!" He let out a chuckled and draped an arm around my shoulder to pull me close. 

He started the movie with the remote and we quieted down watching it in silence yet making small jokes along with the movie.


It was later now, about 7:30 PM, We had watched around six movies since this morning yet almost half every movie was spent talking or making out and just having a laugh like how we were younger.

"Should we go ahead and order pizza? I'm getting hungry even after all the snacks I just ate" I rolled my eyes at him, of course, he'd get hungry even after the number of snacks I had brought out.

"Sure but I don't think I'd be able to finish one by myself so how about we get one and share it?" I asked and got my phone off the coffee table to call up pizza hut.

"Get the cheesy crust!!" He smiled like a kid opening gifts at Christmas.

"Yes yes...Oh Hi! ..." 

I ordered and we waited, cuddled together under thousands of blankets. All we did was look at each other with nothing but love in our gaze.

"I love you"

"I love you too...So so much Noel." He whispered back, pulling me onto his lap to get me as close as possible while I played with his hair.

I can't imagine my life without him by my side...

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