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'Wow you did clean it, I'm impressed kookie'
'Now get in the room and look around'
'Don't worry I am'

I walked in his room and spotted some condoms near his bed. I went over and picked the box up.

'I dont know who you plan to sleep with sinse your girlfriend is frigid as fuck, but hide these from mom and dad, they won't be too happy if they see them'

I threw the condoms to him and we both laughed.


I inspected every place on the floor, desperate to find something out of place.

'Ahah. Dirty pyjama bottoms and you didn't take your dirty pots down'
'Ahh fuck, screw you y/n'
'Go ahead'

Jungkook came over and pushed me out of the way throwing the pyjama bottoms over my head and picked up his dirty pots.

'Jungkook-ssi what the hellll'
I threw them back at him and he laughed.

'You will be now move'

We went back downstairs and our parents had left for work.

'Eat your breakfast I'm leaving to go meet Skye In 15 minutes I'll drop you off at Jimin's place'
'Thanks babe'
'Oi, it's y/n, do I look like euhna'
'No, you're sexier'

I flipped my hair.

'Mhm, I know'

I walked and sat facing Jungkook and he gazed at me.

One time when we were younger, probably 12, I once kissed jungkook because we wanted to be each other's first kiss, pathetic I know, but what he didn't know was that he wasn't my first kiss, ahhh my first kiss was min yoongi, he was a couple of years older than me but it didn't matter, he was so hot, never seen him since though,he moved back to his home town.

'What lessons have you got today Jungkook'
'Dance and singing then I get to come home you should know this dummy we have the same classes'

Jungkook wants to be an idol in the future so he has to do singing and dancing if he wants to be successful.

'Hey I heard there was another singing teacher but he raps'
'I didn't hear that, anyway come on or Skye will think I'm dead oe some shit'
'One step ahead'

He jogged out of the door completely forgetting his bag.

'Jungkook you dummy you left your bag'
'Oh yeah crap'

He ran back inside and grabbed his bag, before running back out waiting for me to unlock the car.

There was silence most of the drive to Jimin's until we came to a stop at the traffic lights.

'Do you think I'm fuckable'
'I said, do you think I'm fuckable'
'I-I-I don't know'
'We're both virgins'
'N-no, I'm not giving you my virginity as well as my first kiss'

My Peverted Brother- Jeon Jungkook ff (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now