11. auto erotic assimilation

Start from the beginning

"I'm not talking to you! I'm talking to Steven Phillips! Steven, set yourself free." Summer clutched his shirt and begged.

"Summer, before I took over this planet, this man was a registered sex offender," Unity said through the body.

"Yeah, well, so what? At least he was himself," Summer said awkwardly, letting go of his shirt.

"This woman was a drug addict on the verge of suicide. Now she's a marine biologist," Another one of Unity's bodies came up to them. "Listen, Unity, I don't think my sister's trying to say that life would be perfect with out you. I think she's just saying that life would be, you know, life." Morty replied and Cas noticed a another sympathetic look from one of Unity's bodies.

"I have transformed life here into a paradise. Prostitutes are now scientists. The homeless are now phisosophers," The second body said as a crowd of them approached.

"Oh, oh, ph-phisosophers? Nice," Summer mocked as the body continued to try and pronounce the word. "Where did you learn to talk, you grandpa-stealing slut?"

"I'm feeling..." The man began before leaning over and throwing up in the middle of the area. After that, a bunch of the bodies began to fall down, making Cas look around confused.

"Oh man, let me help all of you guys up," Morty said, walking towards some of them.

"I'm fine," They all said at the same time. "I'm sorry, Cassiopeia," one of them said quietly and Cas cocked her head like a dog at that.

It was then that Cas noticed a bunch of cars beginning to crash and people throwing up all over the place. "Kids, come on," She said and grabbed both of their wrists. They ran behind her, narrowly avoiding metal beams that fell from a construction site. Cas looked up, putting a force field of green energy above them, the beams pulverizing when they touched the energy. "I did not think that was going to work," She mumbled, helping Morty up as Summer turned to one of Unity's bodies.

"Unity, what's happening?" She asked only Cas noticed it was the same sex offender from earlier and his eyes were no longer yellow.

"Who's Unity?" He asked in a creepy tone and Cas pushed both of the kids behind her. "You kids have nice feet. Mind if I take a picture?" He asked and Cas pushed him away with a blast of green energy before he could do or say anything else.

"What the hell?" Cas asked, looking around as the bodies began to throw up even more. They all looked like they woke up from a dream and had no idea where or who they were.

"I think you and Summer are getting what you wanted," Morty commented. "Something's happening to Unity."

"Do all of you remember who you are?" Summer called out as the people came to. One of them stood up straight, looking at his hands before responding.

"Yeah, uh, my name is Ron Benson," He said. "I'm an electrical engineer, father of two and as you can see from my flat, concentric nipple rings, I'm a member of this planet's top race!" He grinned and ripped open his shirt. Cas opened her mouth in confusion, not even sure what to say in response.

"Okay, that's good," Summer said awkwardly. "Uh, don't focus too much on the last part, but-" She began but was cut off by another one.

"I'm Daryl Jefferson. I'm a landscaper. And I'll be damned if that ripple nipple bitch's race is superior!" He shouted and took his own shirt off, "the cone nipple people will rule this world." Cas continued watching in confusion as the two argued and then the whole planet began to fight each other.

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