Chapter 4, Simulation Part 4

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The FBI prepared it's agents for a variety of situations in the field, terrorism, hostages, and shootouts. Most of the time you have to adapt in disasters you weren't trained for. How do you adapt to an Alien invasion? Jacob had a feeling he won't live long enough to find out. Jacob steered the wheel to the left missing another fleeing pedestrian running in the street. Jacob understood that fear made people do wild things but that doesn't they had a right to abandon common sense. That guy was the lucky one, considering the other people he passed were made into a puddle on the road, so far there are several 'hit and run' incidents that occurred in one hour than six months.

Complete chaos overtakes the streets of New York civilians scattered like frightened mice. They gave no regard to the crying children who lost their mothers, they carelessly trampled the fallen oblivious to their pain, people fought to get in their vehicles only for the desperate to attack them in an attempt to steal their keys. Jacob lost count of the numerous crimes committed before his eyes while law enforcement was being dispatched even they couldn't be everywhere at once. Wise men once said when order is lost, anarchy will spread and vile acts will go unpunished. If you told Jacob that an hour earlier, he would say that humanity would come together as a whole to protect their own. Present Jacob would slap some sense in his past self, self-preservation is a base human instinct even the kindest of people have it. Society existed to keep animal inside us caged, humanity is a fragile species that can be shattered if pushed to the edge.

Jacob Cadman honestly thought nothing else would surprise him, he had literally watched two grown men get skewered on flying swords and a no good politician being carried away via Aliens to god knows where, Jacob secretly hoped that asshole got probed by the way, Leonard is a sociopathic criminal that will only be remembered by the poor minds he convinced into following him. At least he had one highlight this mornin, take your victories where you can get them.

Shadows loomed overhead prompting Jacob to instinctively look through his window. His jaw nearly touched the wheel when his eyes came across a fleet of hulking aircraft's, black as the night and shaped like a sphere with a glowing red center. Each ship was equipped with massive guns on the sides, unleashing a barrage of laser fire upon the buildings. The spacecrafts dwarfed skyscrapers in size, easily demolishing them by merely flying through them. The same aliens Jacob saw before were replaced by humanoid androids, emerging from the pillars of light, they wore black steel plated armor on their chassis, shoulders and kneecaps, their built in optics with customized red lenses searched the area for god knows what. The weaponry in their cold metal hands appeared beyond this world, high tech and made in a strange material that Jacob can assume was otherworldly but not any less dangerous.

Whatever is happening breached the walls of realism even the most adventurous of children would call this bull. Jacob felt like he was starring in a sci-fi movie, he was tempted to jump off the highest building to see if he would start flying to Neverland. Jacob paused to get his thoughts in order, he needed to think rationally about the situation. New York may not be the only place they're targeting, the JLA could be stretched thin and if that were the case, New York won't be receiving any hero help for a while. Jacob reached down with one hand to grab his phone and dial his wife's number. He needed to contact Karin , she should be dropping Sarah off at school right now, she could pick up Dwayne and they'll meet up--

'I'm sorry the number you're dialing is not service, please try again-'

Jacob's body froze like a statue causing his breath to hitch in his throat. He dialed the number again so intensely that his fingers almost cracked the screen. He got the same answer again, he tried Dwayne's phone and no answer, he tried Sarah's phone for his fourth attempt to contact his family and no answer, afterward, he decided to call the FBI'S communications center to no avail. There is no possible way all five calls would fail unless...damn it.

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