Episode 13 - Apaisant

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Risasi woke up in Arbre de la Vie, and the sun wasn't up yet.  She was about to wake Fermet when she remembered that his leg was broken.  And it was her fault.  Alpen came up to her.

"You look down," he observed.  "Do you want to take a day off?"

"No, it's fine," Risasi stood up.  It would help take her mind off it.  "What are we doing today?"

"You need to learn more patience," Alpen said.  "But I can see that yesterday's has helped."

He was right.  Before the day before, Risasi would've snapped at him, asking if she looked ready.  But she needed to talk to Loup.  She followed Alpen to a lake.

"This is Apaisant," Alpen explained.  "The Soothing Lake.  Walk into it, and just sit there.  It might help to get some water on your scar."

Risasi walked into the lake and followed Alpen's orders, dipping her head under the water.  It felt good on her scar.

"How long do I have to sit here?"  Risasi asked.

Alpen looked up.  It was just sunrise.

"Until noon should be good," Alpen said.  "Risas will be coming here soon."

Risasi sighed.  It was going to be a while.

"If you don't mind me asking," Alpen continued, "is Risas your mate?"

"Fermet's my mate," Risasi said.  "The cougar that we came with."

"You're not the same species, though," Alpen said.

"Does it really matter?"  Risasi asked.  "I had to tell you that I have a mate."

"You've a point there," Alpen shook himself.  "I'm going to get going."

He walked off, leaving Risasi.  Not too soon, Risas and Raide came up.  Raide explained about Apaisant before letting Risas walk in.

"Risasi?"  Fermet's voice said.  "Next time you see Raide, can you ask her about her parents?  She smells familiar to me, but there was too much going on last night for me to ask her."

"Okay," Risasi said.  She stood up and walked to the edge of the lake.

"Raide?"  She called.

"What is it?"  Raide turned around and walked to the lake.

"Fermet wanted me to ask you about your parents," Risasi explained.  "He said you smelled familiar to him."

"Oh," Raide seemed to have lost her regal aura around her.  She was clearly uncomfortable talking about her parents.  "My mom left for her own safety, she took my brother with her.  It wasn't safe for her here."

"Thanks," Risasi said.  "I'm sorry if that made you uncomfortable."

"No, it's fine," Raide responded.  "I think I'll go talk to Fermet, though."

She walked off, and Risasi walked back to Risas, whose face was wet with the water.  His mane was, as well.  It was getting larger, but not nearly as large as Kovu's.

"Does the water make you feel any better?"  She asked.

"It does," Risas said.  "I just wish this scar would go.  It makes me look too much like Scar.  And Vitani."

"You'll be healed soon enough," Risasi assured.  Risas was focused on his scar too much more than his behavior.  Kion had had the same problem.  His scar wasn't gone, though.

"I'd rather it be sooner than later," Risas responded, close to snapping.  

Risasi splashed some water onto his face playfully with a paw.

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