Episode 4 - scar

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Risasi was running, leading the Night Pride somewhere when she suddenly stopped, the area around her left eye hurting.  She turned to a mandrill.

"Enye?"  She asked.

"We're out of shaant," Enye answered.  Risasi growled in response, picking up the pace.

Harako and Fermet came up to her.

"Leave me alone!"  She snapped at them.

"Risasi," Harako tried.

"Risasi," Fermet said at the same time.

"I said, leave me alone!"  Risasi Roared, the clouds dark.  Harako and Fermet were sent flying, filling Risasi with a dark sense of pride for a second until she realized what she had done.  What had she done?

Risasi jolted awake.  It was just a dream.  Harako and Fermet were still in the lair.  They were sleeping peacefully.  She should have enough time to go think.  It didn't seem like something her ancestors would help her with, but Kion probably could.  When she got to her feet, she stumbled a little; dreams apparently had more effect on real life than she thought.  Closing her eyes, she tried to get used to her actual body.  She was still a cub.  In her dream, she seemed to be about a teenager.  After a second, she managed to start walking properly.

To Risasi's surprise, her dad was waiting for her outside the den.

"What's wrong?"  He asked.

"Bad dream," she said.  "Can we go somewhere where nobody can overhear us?"

"Is it okay if I get your mom, as well?"  Kion asked, hearing the seriousness in his daughter's voice.

"Sure," Risasi answered.

The three lions walked to a clear spot.

"What's wrong?" Rani asked.

"I had a bad dream," Risasi answered.  It just came tumbling out of her.  "I was leading the Night Pride through a forest before I asked a mandrill for something called shaant.  We had no more, which angered me for some reason.  Harako and Fermet came up to me to try to calm me down, but I-I-I Roared at them!"

"Calm down," Rani put her tail over her daughter's shoulders.  "It was just a dream."

Kion had winced while Risasi was telling the story.  How many times had the scenario played out in his head, but instead of Harako and Fermet, it was Fuli and Bunga?  He looked at Rani; their daughter needed to know the truth sometime.  She had already proved herself mature enough to assemble the Night Pride.  Rani nodded, albeit reluctantly.

"In your dream," Kion started, "was anything hurting?"

"My left eye," Risasi said, then she saw her father wince.  He had a scar on his left eye, something she had never thought about.

"Back in the Pride Lands," Kion explained, "my uncle had destroyed it by not respecting the Circle of Life way before I was born.  When I was a cub, he - Scar - had returned in the fire of the volcano.  I had accidently summoned him after losing control of the Roar after he threatened Kiara - my sister."

Kion shook himself, as if preparing himself to speak.

"When I was a teenager," he continued, "Scar had got a snake named Ushari to give me my scar.  Through Ushari's poison, I managed to keep control of the Roar just enough to defeat Scar.  But, I had to urgently get healing, or else I wouldn't know the difference between right and wrong.  My quest for healing lead the Lion Guard here, to the Tree.  I then went on to become Risasi's mate, and-"

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