Episode 12 - Patience

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When Risasi woke up, the air around her was colder.  Her back was against Fermet, and the events of the previous day came rushing back to her.  Fermet's flank was still moving slightly, and so was Harako's.  They were still alive, but unconscious.  It was all her fault, as well.  She'd have to talk to them later, even if they couldn't hear her.  Alpen came up to her.

"Are you ready to start your healing?"  He asked.

"Yep," Risasi confirmed.  "I lose my temper easily, though.  Especially with this scar."

"No problem," Alpen said, walking out of the Arbre with Risasi behind him.  "That's why you're here."

Something about the tone of Alpen's voice made Risasi feel a little uncomfortable.  If he was going to help heal her, she would need to make sure he wouldn't try anything.

"I have a mate, you know," she said.  "I don't know if that's where you were going with that, but I didn't feel comfortable."

"Désolé," Alpen said, "sorry.  You're right.  I did get a little ahead of myself there.  You can swim, right?"

"Right," Risasi said.  They stopped at a river.

"You're going to have to get from here to the other side without touching the ground," Alpen explained.  "It's about your height."

The river was flowing fairly fast, but it wasn't too far from one side to another.  She couldn't use the Roar, either.  Risasi jumped in, trying to swim, but touched the ground.  Frustrated, she turned around, went back and did the same thing.  Didn't manage it.  After too many tries to count, she finally made it.  It was noon, and she had started at sunrise.

"Go take a break," Alpen said.  "You deserve it."

"Asante," Risasi said, "thanks."

She started walking back to the Arbre.  When she got there, she made sure no one else was around before she sat down in front of Harako and Fermet.

"Harako, Fermet," she started, "I don't know if you can hear me, but if you can, I'm so sorry.  I never meant to Roar at you two like that.  It just came out.  Now, we're here.  You're both unconscious, and I'm apologizing.  I had a dream that something like this would happen, but you two were just weak after it.  Not almost dead."

Risasi couldn't bring herself to speak anymore.  She just buried her muzzle into her mate's flank, crying.  He was hurt because of her.

"Calm down, Ri-Ri," Fermet said.  "I appreciate the sappiness, but there are times when it's too much."

"Fermet?"  Risasi asked, pulling away.

"I'm awake," he said.  "But I'm having trouble standing."

"I'm so sorry," Risasi repeated.  "I never meant to Roar at you two."

Harako was also awake, but not seeming to be paying attention.

"It's okay, Risasi," Fermet said.  "You're not yourself right now."

Raide came up to the three cats.

"Harako?  Fermet?"  She asked.  "Are you okay?"

"I am," Harako stood up and shook himself.  He looked at Risasi.  "And it's okay.  I know you lost control there."

"Control?"  Raide asked.

Fermet shot a scolding look at Harako from where he was lying.

"It's okay," Risasi told them.  "They'd find out eventually.  At least this is better than how Rani found out about the Roar."

"I have a special roar called the Roar of the Elders," Risasi explained.  "When I roar, four of my ancestors roar with me."

"There's something like that here," Raide said.  "Loup's howl is fairly fierce.  Four wolves appear in the sky and howl with him."

Raide looked at Fermet.

"Are you okay?"  She asked.  "You haven't stood up."

Fermet got onto his feet and tried to push himself up, but had to lean against Risasi.

"I can't put my left foreleg down or up," Fermet said.  "And it hurts."

Raide moved and sniffed Fermet's leg.  She muttered something about it not being good before walking off.  When she came back, she pointed to a nest in the corner.

"Lie down over there," she said.

Risasi walked Fermet over to the nest, allowing him to lie down.

"What's wrong?"  She asked.

"He's broken his leg," Raide explained.

"How?"  Fermet exclaimed.

"The Roar," Risasi said.  It was directed more towards Fermet than it was Harako.  She looked at her mate.  "I'm so sorry."

"Don't be," Fermet gestured for her to lie down beside him.  "Lie down.  You never meant to Roar."

Risasi lied beside Fermet, putting her tail over his shoulders.

"I know," Risasi said, "but I feel so bad."

"It's not your fault," Fermet assured.  "Maybe you should talk to Loup about the Roar."

"In the morning," Risasi said.  How did Fermet stay so calm?  Even without her scar, she was stressed sometimes.  She'd have to ask him sometime.  In the meantime, she needed her sleep.  Risasi closed her eyes and fell asleep, feeling Fermet's soft fur under her tail.

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