Chapter Three

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The house opened up onto a huge hallway with a table in the middle that was littered with plastic cups, empty bottles of alcohol, and a huge vase of flowers. The living room was much the same with the empty bottles and the pillows scattered and ripped open onto the floor in a massacre of wool and fluff. Puke stained the corner of the room and women’s underwear was scattered around the deserted area.

The rounded, black staircase led up to lots of rooms that have been completely deserted except for a few drunken people crashing there before leaving early in the morning, maybe even stealing a few things from the obviously rich owner who, they knew, didn’t care at all about the wealth that he had and would shrug it off and buy more things with the never ending loot.

One of the room’s door was shut. This was the biggest room out of all of them with a huge super king size, four poster bed that was smack in the middle of the room. The sheets were messy and twisted with a sole body lying there and softly snoring, soon to be woken up with a migraine. The curtains were drawn to block out the sun that streamed in through the balcony window and onto the carpeted floor.

‘Mr Malfoy?’

The shirtless figure on the bed stirred in the mess of sheets that surrounded him, turning his head on the comfy pillow to look towards the door. A single grunt was heard that came deep from his throat which gave the signal to whoever was at the door to come on in.

The woman walked into the room and paused at the door, ‘shall I get breakfast ready, sir?’

Draco Malfoy let out a groan, feeling his throat dry up and his head start to pound. He let his eyes close and muttered quietly, ‘clean downstairs. Make breakfast for me. I’ll be down in a bit.’

‘Yes, Mr Malfoy, sir,’ the maid nodded and left the room after leaving some water and pills for him, being very careful to close the door quietly behind her.

Draco lay there for a minute, trying to wake up fully and reluctantly get out of bed. The cold air hit his bare chest, making goose bumps appear on his pale arms. He ran a hand through his messy hair and slowly stood up, grabbing the pills and swallowing them quickly to ease his headache.

Draco then proceeded to take a shower, letting last night’s party wash off of him and hoping that his hangover would magically wash off too. He got out and dried himself off, shivering at the cold winter air that enveloped him before wrapping the towel around his waist. He hastily put on a shirt and some jeans, leaving his hair wet and his wet towel on the bathroom floor.

Draco glanced around at the floor as he walked downstairs to see that it was spotless. Ah, magic truly is brilliant, Draco thought, and his maid’s were brilliant at their job too. He walked into the kitchen to a fantastic feast laid out for him and the maid poured him orange juice.

‘You have visitors, Mr Malfoy, sir,’ she murmured quietly.

‘Visitors?’ Draco asked, sitting down at the breakfast bar and taking the orange juice from her, ‘I don’t want orange juice, doll. I want apple juice. Come on!’

He frowned as he watched her pour out the tall glass of orange juice and replaced it with apple juice instead. She bought it over to him and Draco drained the glass, feeling quite thirsty.

‘Tell the visitors to get lost. If they left something here the night before, they’re definitely not getting it back,’ Draco rolled his eyes.

He had had many people try and weasel their way into his home, some had genuinely forgot to take their jacket but others just wanted to get close to Draco since it was no secret that he was swimming in wealth.

Sequel to I'll Fight for You and Never Give UpWhere stories live. Discover now