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Kevin Feige is the President of Marvel Studios whose franchise the Marvel Cinematic Universe is the highest grossing film franchise in the world.
However, the 44-year-old's rise to the executive suite was largely accidental. It even had a humbling start.

As a child in New Jersey, Feige enjoyed playing with action figures, reading comic books and watching movies, so he knew he wanted to get into Entertainment. After getting rejected five times, he finally gained admission to USC's Film Schooland graduated in 1995.

While at USC, Feige scored an internship working under producers Richard and Lauren Shuler Donner. Two years later, they hired him as a production assistant. "That job was walking dogs, and getting lunches and washing cars," says the exec. But at the time, Feige thought his lowly position was a big deal. "I thought I'd made it," he tells NPR."I thought I had reached the pinnacle of success in Hollywood."
As a PA, Feige helped Donner with films like "You've Got Mail" and "Volcano." When she began work on the "X-Men" movies, he became a producer. It was there that he caught the eye of Avi Arad, the former Marvel Entertainment CEO and founder of Marvel Studios.

Then Feige joined Marvel in 2000.
And served as producer on many films related to the Marvel comics characters.
In 2007,He was promoted to his current position, i.e. as President of Marvel Studios.

Since,then He along with everyone at Marvel Studios have been successful in maintaining their streak of giving consecutive Blockbuster hit movies,
which are loved by both the fans and the critics.

He has great connection with the cast of the MCU like RDJ, Chris Evans and the other Chrises,etc.


eige has greatly contributed in the evolution of not just the Comic book movies but cinema as a whole.(Pssh: Martin Scorsese).

According to the information at the Marvel Fandom wikia,

Since 2000, Kevin Feige has been credited as a producer for multiple Marvel film and television projects including:

Blade (1998) - Associate Producer

X-Men (2000) - Associate Producer

Spider-Man (2002) - Executive Producer (uncredited)

Daredevil (2003) - Co-Producer

X2: X-Men United (2003) - Co-Producer

Hulk (2003) - Executive Producer

The Punisher (2004) - Executive Producer

Spider-Man 2 (2004) - Executive Producer

Blade: Trinity (2004) - Co-Producer

Elektra (2005) - Co-Producer

Man-Thing (2005) - Executive Producer

Fantastic Four (2005) - Executive Producer

X-Men: The Last Stand(2007) - Executive Producer

Spider-Man 3 (2007) - Executive Producer

Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer(2007) - Executive Producer

Iron Man (2008) - Producer

The Incredible Hulk (2008) - Producer

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