Childhood and Schooling

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Kevin Feige was born on June 2, 1973(age 45) in Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
His birth sign is Gemini.
Obviously, he has an American nationality.
However, Kevin does not provide any information about his parents in any of his interviews or post on social sites.
As far as his childhood is concerned, Kevin Feige grew up in Westfield, New Jersey, where he graduated from Westfield High School.
His maternal grandfather, Robert E. Short, had been a television producer in the 1950s, having worked on soap operas including The Guiding Light and As The World Turns.
Not much is known about his childhood,except things like he loved Comics and Marvel characters were very close to him in his childhood as he felt they were pretty relatable.Also,he loved watching movies,mainly Donner's Superman, Tim Burton's Batman and the Star Wars, Star Trek, Back to The Future and Indiana Jones movies.
Growing up, he was more interested in movies than comics, but he got more into the comics when he started working at Marvel.
He explained his hobbies and obssesion with movies in an interview to Vanity Fair,
"I was obsessed with deep mythologies, mainly through Star Wars, and then the West End Games came out with a role-playing game, but didn’t really have the discipline for it. The books were amazing because they went into so much more—a lot of what we know now of Star Wars. You know the fifth character in the background of the cantina scene—you know his name now, you know his backstory now, because of those books. That stuff I always loved, and I was playing with Star Wars figures in the backyard and making my own stories with those. One of my hobbies was to be disappointed with a sequel to a movie, and then make the next version of the movie in my head."

Also, one of Feige's childhood friend gave insight on how he was as a child in a reddit post in the Marvel Studios sub-reddit(Feige's friend with the reddit username Fishmike52 was confirmed to be true by the moderators of that sub-reddit,so this description can be considered to be legit and true), u/Fishmike52 stated in his post that,
["Kevin was a great dude. Laid back. Didn’t whine. He was quirky. I don’t ever remember him wearing jeans. He always wore those cargo pants, and this was kinda before cargo pants were a thing. He had this really big head of red hair. We didn’t hang at his house much (and here comes some family dirt). His mom kept TERRIBLE snacks in the house. It was like why bother. It’s possible he didn’t have cable either although I can’t confirm. It didn’t matter much where we hung as we mostly just rode our bikes and boards around. Know what else I remember about Kevin’s house and family? Nothing… because it was nothing of note. He was just one of the dudes. This is what makes this special for me. No crazy huge house (and there were plenty in our town), no fancy cars, clothes… just one of the guys.
Now while we shared a love for Marvel it pretty much ended there and often we couldn’t even talk about the books for days at a time. We had WILDLY different takes on various important topics like Avengers vs. X-Men and Cap vs. Wolverine. We would argue all day and get pissy. We would curse at each other like stupid 13 year olds do. Him telling me nonsense like “Cap’s shield is stronger than Wolverine’s claws.”
As if!?!?! Me barking out “what the hell is a super soldier man? Like what even IS that???” while Kevin’s eyes showed that I had crossed over into blasphemy.

We certainly never had any falling outs. Those debates were spirited and relished by both us. Eventually we just drifted apart as kids often do. We didn’t hang out a ton at Westfield high school. When we did chat we would talk books and movie prospects. Kevin was one of those kids in high school who was true to himself. He did was he wanted to do. He was a good kid. He had good friends. He wasn’t into BS, he wasn’t stuck up (south siders never are), he was literally just another dude doing his thing.
But he loved the books."]

Before high school, Feige applied to the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts, the  of his favorite directors:George Lucas, Ron Howard and Robert Zemickis. His first five applications were rejected, but he persevered and was accepted on the sixth.

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