Chapter 15: Destiny

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It was these uncomfortable questions that pushed Arnav to visit his brother-in-law earlier that afternoon, hoping that at least Vihaan could shed some light onto this mystery.

"Arnav," Vihaan greeted cheerfully. "How are you?"

Arnav nodded, ignoring the pleasantries. "I am actually not here for business."

Vihaan frowned, not following. "Err okay – what can I help you with?"

"I have a question... about your sister."

Vihaan appeared taken back. "About Khushi?"

"Yes." Then taking a deep breath, he asked, "Why isn't she practicing as a doctor?"

From the look of shock that flited across Vihaan's face, Arnav understood instantly that he wasn't supposed to know about this particular detail. They had indeed all gone out of their way to hide this from him and possibly from his family too.

"H-how did you find out?" Vihaan finally said, clearing his throat.

"Khushi told me."

"Khushi told you?"

Arnav nodded, watching Vihaan mull that over in his head. What he wouldn't give to be able to read his brother-in-law's thoughts at that moment?

"So," Arnav prodded, when the silence became uncomfortable. "Why isn't she practicing? Is it because of your mother?"

Vihaan shook his head.


"I am not sure I am the best person to answer."

"Well you are the only one I've got," Arnav answered bluntly. "Your sister refuses to talk to me about this and I have no idea who else I can ask."

"Why do you care?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why do you care if she is not practicing," Vihaan asked, looking at him with scrutiny.

Arnav was now even more suspicious than before. Why were they all acting as though he was the biggest criminal on earth?

"We are married Vihaan..." he finally said, hoping it was a good enough explanation.

It wasn't. Vihaan crossed his arms and said rather coldly, "I am not an idiot. I know the two of you have yet to acknowledge each other as a person, forget about being married."

Arnav was at a loss of words. He really shouldn't have been surprised to know Vihaan was well informed about his marriage, after all his own sisters knew everything about it. But with them, he could always dodge awkward questions. What was he supposed to do with his brother-in-law?

"Look, I am sorry if you feel I'm mistreating your sister," Arnav said in surrender. "We didn't really get married in the easiest of circumstances."

Vihaan was quiet.

"But I don't want to be inhumane about any of it. Whatever our differences are, I would like to know that she is happy and giving up her practice seems to have done just the opposite."

"You want her to be happy because she is your family now? Or because you feel guilty?"

Even though the question was demeaning in many ways, Arnav felt a surge of respect. Vihaan although vastly different from him, was acting just like he would have, if their roles were reversed and it was Arnav fighting for his own sister's happiness.

"I guess you know."

Vihaan took a deep breath. "I have no right to speak in between you and Khushi. If she doesn't want to tell you, then I am not going to go behind her back. My sister has seen enough for a lifetime already."

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