Chapter I (part 2/5)

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 I mime along with my words, lifting my arms up in the air energetically almost knocking into a man who's just coming out of the teachers' office. Sebastian Jones. As agile as a panther, he leaps to the side, to not collide with me. Sarah bursts into laughter and Professor Jones who was rather taken by surprise at first, give us both a smile. ...You nitwit, Margot!...

-I knew my students thought I gave them too much work but I didn't think you were among those, Margot!

-I'm so sorry, Professor Jones... Really, I was just speaking with my hands and... Oh dear, Margot! Go ahead! Make a fool of yourself in front of the man you admire the most in the world...

-Don't worry! My travels have given me certain reflexes. Danger is never very far away. Professor Jones gives me a wink, and I instantly go bright red. The tingling sensation resumes in my fingers. Well, I'll let you carry on with your arms wrestle... See you tomorrow for your presentations. Good evening, ladies! We watch at the professor walks away and Sarah sighs like a silly schoolgirl. He walks with determination as if he were on an expedition.

-What class! He's even sexy from behind. I wonder if he has a girlfriend? He's too young to be married... I never asked myself the question.

-I don't think so. I think he's too devoted to his job for that.

-Yeah, just like you! What a waste, but... Sarah looks at her watch and panics. Oh no! I have to go! Tomorrow I'm getting up early to visit my grandmother. She'll probably go on about the fact that I should live with her and not alone in town. ...Why do they know better than us how we should live our lives ???...

-I'm sure it'll be fine.

-Stop worrying too! Your parents will understand that you made the right decision! You'll never be a doctor, but you'll make a great adventurer. Sarah hugs me and rushes off. I watch her leave with a smile. I'm so glad I know her! 

Even so, I'm still upset by yesterday's arguments and my blunder with Professor Jones. I decide to walk back to the Bartholy mansion, just to clear my mind. Lory must be in bed by now, and it's a good thing. I'm in no mood to put up with her tantrums. Not only is she the youngest, but she's also the only girl in the family, and she sure knows how to drive me crazy. Calling this family strange is an understatement. I was expecting anything but that. If it only took me ten days to discover their secret, it will take much longer to get to them better. They'd gone to great lengths to hide the truth from me, but Sarah's right, I'm stubborn. The more secretive people are with me, the further I dig to unveil the truth. They don't eat, hardly ever sleep, are icy cold and are remarkably cultivated quickly figured out what they really were. Vampires!

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