Strange neighbors - (Part 5)

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When they entered apartment 403, Sally, as promised, did not let go of Emily's hand. She stood where she was, silently scanning the room. But he could see the horror in her wide eyes. Her palm seemed to grow colder and began to tremble slightly, and a strange sign on it blinked a dazzling white light.

The apartment was in chaos. It was scary to imagine what was going on here. Some of the furniture is broken, blood spatters on the wall and floor, and the smell of iron and death is everywhere. The spot on the floor where the dead woman had lain a short time before was marked with chalk

"Shall we go?" softly the boy said, carefully stepping inside and taking the girl with him. She kept looking around, trying not to look at the blood.

The boy was very worried about her condition, and even those strange words... Emily, maybe you should wait for me outside? he asked uncertainly, to which she shook her head.

— No. I can't leave you here alone. My car still has it... — the last words she said in a whisper. Strangely enough, the girl did not even turn to him, only her thin fingers tightened on his palm — But there is something I fear much more. Even more than death.

Emily knelt beside the chalked figure, one hand on Sally's, the other gently touching the congealed blood on the floor. After a few seconds in this position, she stood up, giving his arm a little jerk, as if to indicate that she could continue her examination of the room.

- Dude, it's just tough. -  behind her, she heard Sally's voice on the radio.

"Don't tell me. How's Emily?" came Larry's muffled voice. Is she okay? Like would girls not very like such things. there was concern in his voice. Emily held out her hand to the blue-haired man, and the walkie-talkie she held to her ear.

"Sally and I are fine. Thank you for your concern. But I feel something strange here. We definitely shouldn't stay here. And it's not about the cops, it's about something else..." Her fingers tightened on the radio, making it crackle slightly, and she relaxed her grip.

"Then take something from there and blow to me." — the radio went silent and the girl gave it to the guy.

"Do you feel something?" Emily, what do you mean? I do not understand. - Sally in another times tried to modicum a bit open veil this mystery, but brunette only negatively shook her head, closing dark the rigid eyes.

"I'm sorry, but I can't. Still too early. I don't want to give you any more trouble with this news. So — "she turned with a faint smile and an almost pleading look —" wait a little longer, please."

Guy unwittingly lowered the glance, so as look in these beseeching gray eyes, possessor of which, seemed, is about buhnetsya on its knees, was simply it is unrealistic, so as heart of here same beginning highly painfully pinch. And although he still did not understand the things happening around him, he did not press her. She'll tell you when she's comfortable. He didn't want to shake her trust in him.

— Nicely. I understood. Sorry. he sighed softly. There was sadness and regret in her eyes now. She came up to him, and, bending a little, laid her hand on his head, lightly stroking it, as he had so recently done to her. He looked up at her, surprised and confused, while she smiled warmly with the same faint flush on her cheeks.

— We don't have much time left." Thank You, Sally. As long as you're with me, I can calmly control myself and not think the worst. — not paying attention to the even greater lack of understanding in the eyes of Fat, she went forward, suddenly letting go of his hand.

Faces and masks - (Sally x OC)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora