Strange neighbors - (Part 4)

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"Hello, miss Lisa." Emily greeted the cleaner with a smile. The woman looked up, smiling back at her. When she saw the two teenagers holding hands, she smiled even wider. She could not see the expression on Sal's face, which was hidden behind the mask, but she could tell by the dreamy tenderness of his blue eyes, sparkling with happiness, turned toward their clasped hands that He was over the moon with happiness. How much did he like this quiet, sweet girl?

— Hi. You need something? "what is it?" she asked, putting down her MOP.

- Huh? Sally shook his head, out of his thoughts, and blushing, which no one noticed, said a little haltingly, " Yes." We wanted to ask. how can you entertain yourself?

"You know what?" I have a son. He's your age. I think you'll get along very well." He's downstairs in our apartment. Come to visit us, get acquainted! The company is much more fun! Here is a card that will take you to the lower floor. — a warm smile Lisa said, giving the guy a card and he couldn't resist, and patted Emily's hair, to which she blissfully closed her eyes and smiled.

"What's your son like?" Is it good for? I'm just ... a little shy. bluewax said sheepishly, lowering her head and poking her forefingers at each other. Sally, seeing this, patted her shoulder encouragingly.

"Don't worry, he's a good boy and a very creative person. I think he'll like you, " the woman reassured her, to which Emily nodded.

"Come On, Emily. With that, the boy took her hand again, walking confidently toward the Elevator. She felt terribly insecure, fingering her fingers and strands of hair, but she felt better in Sally's presence, and she was not so afraid. After all, if Sally said that as long as he was around, everything would be fine, then so it is. And she believed him implicitly.


The lowest floor was a fairly clean and tidy room. White floor, gray walls, vending machine with all sorts of snacks against the wall. Emily went to him at once, looked him over carefully, and even tapped the glass gently with her finger. When Sally asked if she was hungry, she shook her head, saying she just wanted to see what was inside.

They opened the gray door and stepped inside, into another green-painted corridor. By the look of it you could already tell that someone lived here. There was a green carpet on the floor, a small table cluttered with leftover food and drink, photographs of people they didn't know. One of them showed Lisa with a little boy who looked a lot like her. It looked like Larry.

A little farther on, they went into the kitchen. It was dark, even though it was daylight. Emily immediately grabbed Sally's hand, squeezing it tightly. One of his hands flashed silver again.

"What is it?" Sally asked the girl in surprise as she began to tremble and hide behind him. Her gray eyes widened in horror. A dark shape with glowing scarlet eyes was reflected in the narrowed pupils. With a trembling finger she pointed ahead. The boy looked over and froze. A shiver ran through him, too. There was indeed a shadow before them. Alive, blurry, with blood-red eyes that could literally burn through.

"It's — very dangerous-We mustn't get in his way-I can feel it-Sally, let's get out of here -" the girl said in a trembling voice, stepping back with small steps and leading him involuntarily. Despite her trembling, there was a grim certainty in her voice, as if she really saw and knew more than he did. He didn't know what to say to that, only tightened his grip on her cold hand.

"I think you're right. Let's go to Larry's room.

When he reached the door, it was Sally who knocked first, as was to be expected, for the girl had not the heart to stretch out a trembling fist to the door. Her shyness and a strange irrational fear sometimes stunned him, and sometimes aroused curiosity and incomprehension, as well as a kind of warmth, from the realization that he was the first person in this house to whom she really fully trusted. She was looking for his protection and to some extent she tried to protect, tried to understand and somehow cares. Just like his mother. She looked more and more like her every second, and their eyes were even similar. Beautiful, light gray, like silver, but her mother's hair was blond, and Emily's was blue black.

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