Strange neighbors - (Part 4)

Start from the beginning

— "Do not enter". Do you think we should definitely come in? He won't mind our company? she nodded at the note on the door.

"But his mother didn't say anything about it." Besides, we knocked, and we're being polite. I'm sure you'll make a good impression. No need to be afraid of new acquaintances. his words, spoken in a soft and warm voice, reassured her as always, and she nodded to her thoughts, gave herself a quick glance, straightened her skirt, ran her hand through her long straight hair.

"I hope he doesn't mind the Goths." she muttered to herself as they went inside.


Emily let out a gasp of surprise as they went inside. All her fears and misgivings gave way at once to a childish joy and admiration, and even a desire to meet this wizard who had turned his room into such a wonderful place.
The walls of his room were covered with paintings and posters of various designs. Some were grim, others cheerful and unusual, with incomprehensible to her inscriptions. The brunette looked from one to the other, slowing her pace a little and even letting go of Sally's hand. Her gray eyes shone like stars, and a smile and a faint blush spread over her pale face.

- Wow, cool mask! - from prostration its has withdrawn raised a surprised-admiring unfamiliar voice and she, invoking the about how, why they here came, slightly hastened and embraced alongside golubovolosym, albeit has kept all also a bit behind.

Before them stood a tall, lean guy, looks and facial features very similar to Lisa. The same long tangled brown hair, thick dark eyebrows, long nose. He is wearing a light brown t-shirt with the initials "SF" circled in a circle, jeans and brown shoes. He was the same height as Emily, which made her feel a little uneasy about Sally again, since he was half a head shorter than they were.

Sally sighed softly and sadly, his blue eyes a little darkened by the sadness that filled them. Emily remembered how he'd reacted, and how he'd looked when she'd first asked. She didn't know why he wore it, but it didn't look like it was for beauty or because he liked it so much, and it didn't look like the usual cheerful masks.

More like a cast, like the kind you put on your arms and legs. The mere thought gave her a herd of goosebumps and a single question: "What's wrong with his face?»

Involuntarily, the girl gently touched his fingers to his left cheek, usually closed long uneven bangs. She hid half her face, for her own personal reasons, but she wasn't usually asked.

"It's a prosthetic." the boy's soft, even cold voice made her shiver and her eyes widen. She studied the mask again.

- Prosthetic...? — what? " she whispered, almost with her lips. - It means that...

- Oh, man. I'm sorry. immediately embarrassed, brown hair, noticing the glance ^ a b and the reaction of the girl.

"Nothing. I've been told worse things. I'm glad you liked it. Sally said calmly.

"Um ... so you don't, like, have a face under it?" What happened? - even more surprised brown-haired, and threw a questioning glance at the girl, as if hoping that she will give him the answer to this question.

"I don't think that's an appropriate question," bluewax tried to say, but Sally interrupted her, turning to look at her with his usual warmth and friendliness.

"It's all right, Amy. But I don't really want to talk about it.

— Well. Let's start all over again. My name is Emily. Pleased to meet you. the girl said softly, bowing, causing her dark blue hair to rise and cascade down her back again. Her thin fingers lifted the skirts of her plaid skirt, and her lips parted in a shy smile, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Faces and masks - (Sally x OC)Where stories live. Discover now