That Phone Call - l.h or whoever you want [sold]

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"I know we haven't spoken for ages, and I'm not sure why but... well, you're the friend I've known for my whole life, and right now... I need you to tell me why I shouldn't drive my car off this bridge. With me in it."

So... basically I pictured this as a Luke fanfic, but you do whichever one you would work best with.

Basically I have this picture in my mind of how this book should be laid out. The above bit is the description, and it's in the prologue. I thought maybe the prologue would be where he's in a car, and he is about to drive himself off a bridge, and he suddenly decides to call his childhood best friend (idk you can make it a girl or boy, depends whether you want this to be a romance book or not). I think the conversation would go something like this.


"Luke?" (Or whichever boy you choose)

"Yeah. I know we haven't spoken for ages, and I'm not sure why but... well, you're the friend I've known for my whole life, and right now... I need you to tell me why I shouldn't drive my car off this bridge. With me in it."

"What are you talking about?"

"I need you to tell me why I shouldn't kill myself. Right now."

"You have a family who loves you, Luke. You can't do that to them."

"I don't have a family anymore."

And so on. Also his friends all gave up on him at some point (you will have to decide why and how) and yeah.

Then basically after the prologue it would go back in time, showing the events that led up to him on the bridge calling his childhood friend who he hadn't spoken to in like a year or more. You can have it end with that scene where he's on the bridge or you could continue it after that, your choice!

I'm not sure about the title, so feel free to change it if you want.

So yeah I like this idea haha. My thoughts are kind of dark today...

Sold to JetBlackHeart13 ! Can't wait to read it! :)

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