VI- Duel in the Monastery

Start from the beginning

Ahsoka looked at Rotta, who started whining and coughing.

Ahsoka: Master, I think this little guy is sick. He's burning up with a fever.

(Y/N) put a hand on Rotta's head.

(Y/N): She's right, Anakin. We've got to get him back to the ship immediately.

Anakin: <to a Clone> Trooper! Get me a backpack!

As the four Jedi struggled to get the wailing Huttlet into a backpack, Ventress and 4-A7 watched them from afar. 4-A7 was recording the scene.

Ahsoka: Will you just let me do it?

(Y/N): No, let me.

Adrian: I can do it better than all of you!

Anakin: I hate Hutts.

Ventress walked into a dark room and contacted Count Dooku on a hologram.

Ventress: My lord, I have the recording you requested.

Dooku: <hologram> Transmit it at once. Your new objective is to recover the Hutt.

Ventress: And deliver him to Jabba's unharmed?

Dooku: Precisely. Do not fail me.

On Tatooine, Dooku showed the hologram of the four Jedi attempting to put Rotta into a bag. However, to Jabba, it looked like they were planning on killing Rotta.

Anakin: <hologram> I hate Hutts.

Everyone in the room gasped.

Dooku: As you can see, it is the Jedi who have your son and are plotting against you.

Jabba: <Huttese>

Dooku: My droid army has already initiated a rescue. Rest assured, mighty Jabba, your son will be saved.

Jabba: <Huttese>

TC-70: Mighty Jabba wishes to know what you ask in return.

Dooku: Perhaps you will consider joining our struggle against the Republic.

Back on Teth, the four Jedi were talking to Obi-Wan on a hologram.

Obi-Wan: <hologram> Anakin, did you locate Jabba's son?

Anakin: We have him, but it looks like the Separatists are behind his abduction.

(Y/N): This smells like Count Dooku to me.

Ahsoka: <holding Rotta in the backpack> I think it's little Stinky you smell.

Adrian: Yeah. Why don't you give him a bath, Ahsoka?

Ahsoka: Ew, no. By the way, do Hutts even take baths.

Adrian: That's a good question. How does Jabba take a bath? Or is that why he smells bad all of the time?

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