"Remember, this is real. But when we wake up in the other place, remember how real this feels!"

"It is real. I know it's real," Amy tells him

"Do you?" Poppy questions


The church clock is chiming as Rory and Amy wake up on a bench outside the Library. The Doctor and Poppy are standing up, looking around

"Okay, this is the real one. Definitely this one. It's all solid," Amy touches her stomach.

Poppy looks at her ring. The idea of The Doctor proposing seemed nice, but unrealistic. Her getting her memories back seemed nice. The ring, how had she got it? The Doctor proposed, obviously. But when? How? Poppy starts getting deep into thought until The Doctor grabs her hand again and pulls her along gently, he knew something was wrong, but wasn't pushing her to tell him.

"You said everyone here lives to their nineties. There's something here that doesn't make sense. Let's go and poke it with a stick," The Doctor runs off, pulling Poppy with him.

"Oh. Can we not do the running thing?!" Amy shouts after them


"Oh hello, Doctor Williams,"

"Hello, Rory love," the older women greet him

"Hello, Mrs Poggit. How's your hip?" Rory asks one of them

"A bit stiff,"

"Oh, easy, D-96 compound, plus. No, you don't have that yet. Forget that,"

"Who's your friend? A junior doctor?" Mrs Poggit asks Rory "and is she a nurse?"

"No," Poppy says quickly


"Can I borrow you? You're the size of my grandson," The Doctor sighs before leaning down to let her put the jumper over him

"Slightly keen to move on. Freak psychic schism to sort out," The Doctor stares at her "You're incredibly old, aren't you?"

The rest of the residents in the lounge stare at him, then the birdsong starts and the four of them sit down to sleep.


"Okay, I hate this, Doctor. Stop it, because this is definitely real. It's definitely this one. I keep saying that, don't I?" Amy groans

"It's bloody cold," Rory complains and Poppy laughs

"Most British phrase said ever,"

"The heating's off,"

"The heating's off?!"

"Yeah. Put on a jumper. That's what I always do,"

"Dear, I've never seen you wear a jumper," Poppy tells The Doctor as he drags her with him to check out the TARDIS

"Yes, you have," he shouts

"I haven't,"

"Err, yes. Sorry about Mrs Poggit. She's so lovely though,"

"I wouldn't believe her nice old lady act if I were you," The Doctor says eerily to Rory

"What do you mean, act?" Amy asks

"I can see you," Poppy realises


"Your face isn't blurry. But I remember taking my contacts out,"

Amy shrugs "maybe you put more in,"

"Nope," Poppy denies "and I don't remember putting some in in the other world, so how could I see clearly?"

MEMORIES THROUGH THE STARS  | {2nd - Stars Themselves Series}Where stories live. Discover now