🐙Finding out about your ex🐙(Oneshot)

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Overview: Tamaki finds out about your abusive ex when you see him while you two were at a cafe.

⚠️Warnings:  physical abuse, mental abuse, mentions of rape, violence, underaged reader

This ended up being way longer than I expected and I was kind of on autopilot when I wrote this. I don't feel like proof reading it so I hope it makes sense lol

It was a Saturday morning and since you had the day off you decided that you wanted to spend time with your wonderful boyfriend, Tamaki Amajiki. If it were up to him he would never leave his dorm room and you knew that so you took it upon yourself to take him out to public places occasionally to help with his social anxiety. You would always be there right next to him holding his hand.

Today you both decided to go to the mall. You found a little cafe which was perfect since neither of you had had breakfast yet. The two of you were sitting in a little booth with both of you on the same bench. He was on the inside against the wall while you were on the outside near the isle. You were like his little shield, protecting him from the outside world. You would hold his hand under the table and lead on his shoulder, whispering sweet things like 'I love you' and 'thank you for coming with me'.

Neither of you had to talk very much since you understood each other's body language. Your soft touch started to make him feel more and more relaxed. He would always tense up when the waitress came to check up on your table. You could feel his hand tighten around yours and you would stroke the top of it softly, calming him down just a little. When the waitress left he would melt back into his relaxed state, leaning against you comfortably.

Your eyes darted up to the door when you heart the little bell ring, meaning someone had just entered the cafe. You immediately knew who it was and you felt yourself tense up for a change. It was your ex. It was your abusive ex. The man you had been in a relationship with for a year and a half. You felt like hyperventilating just at the sight of him. The night you finally left him was probably the worst night of your life. He was so loud and violent, beating you and calling you terrible things.

You honestly thought he was going to kill you. You clung to Tamaki's arm as you stared at the terrible man before you. His eyes met yours and a devilish smile creeped onto his face. You quickly looked away with genuine fear in your eyes. Tamaki looked down at you with a worried face and held you close to him. "B-Bunny...? W-What's wrong?" He asked, his lips pressed together into a nervous squiggle. You glanced back over to the man who was now approaching your booth.

Tamaki was quick to pick up on the fact that this man was causing you to panic. You sat up straight, not wanting to look weak or pathetic in front of him. Your ex sat down in your booth across from you. Tamaki was now on high alert, scanning the man with his eyes. "Heeyyy Y/N baby~. How ya doin'?" He asked as if the two of you were friends. How dare he. After what he did to you all you wanted to do was scream at him, but you could never. Not in front of Tamaki. Not in public.

"I-I'm doing great. Never been better," you hissed. Tamaki was silently panicking next to you. He could tell something was wrong but he didn't know what. What was he supposed to do? Was he supposed to protect you? He had no idea. This was a social interaction that you couldn't protect him from. If anything he would have to protect you from it. Your ex was looking at you up and down with a shitty smirk. The one you hated more than anything.

He was OBVIOUSLY to old to be with you. While you were still a high school student below 18, your ex was 23.  He lured you in with sweet promises of loving you and protecting you and you fell for it. Over the year and a half long period that you two were together, he started getting abusive. The abuse was both physical and mental. He would tell you that your worthless and you were nothing without him. You believed every word. You couldn't leave him. You're worthless without him. You deserved this. You don't deserve to have anyone love you.

You soon spiraled into a deep depression. More bruises and small cuts would appear on your skin daily, concerning your teachers. They never actually questioned you about it though. The worst it ever got was when he gave you a black eye because he thought you were sleeping with another student at UA. The worst part dating him was the sex. He would force you to have sex with him multiple times a week and when you couldn't because you were on your period, he would go fuck another girl.

There were even a couple times when he would full on rape you. You would beg him to stop, telling him that you didn't want it but he would just slap you and continue, ignoring your cries. When you met Tamaki for the first time, you were immediately attracted to him. Even though he was incredibly shy and reserved, you still wanted to get to know him.

Over time Tamaki started to let his guard up around you. He started to view you as a friend and he would be concerned if you ever had a cut or bruise. Just knowing that he cared about you so tenderly made your heart melt. You were falling for him but you knew you're boyfriend would be furious if he found out. You and Tamaki would spend a lot of time together while you were at school but never in public in fear of having your boyfriend find out. You never told Tamaki about your abusive boyfriend because you didn't want it to upset him. It took a little over a year for him to confess his love to you but when he did it was so sweet and caring. You knew you didn't deserve it. You didn't deserve him. You deserved to suffer with your current boyfriend. But in that moment you couldn't stop yourself from kissing him, accepting his confession.

That night you broke up with your current boyfriend. That whole thing was horrid and messy. After that night, you never saw him again. You're relationship with Tamaki was sweet and gentle. He never hit you, he never yelled at you, and he never wanted to hurt you in any way. He loved you and would call you things like 'beautiful' 'butterfly' or 'bunny'. You thought he was the sweetest person to ever exist and he loved you more than anything else in the world. You were his little angel, his little bunny. You were his whole world.

Your relationship with Tamaki was healthy unlike your relationship with your ex. The way your ex spoke to you like nothing was wrong infuriated you. You hated him. "I don't want to talk to you," you said firmly. "Awww, why not babe? Don't you miss me?" He asked. "She said she doesn't want to talk to to you," Tamaki defended you, wrapping an arm around your shoulders protectively. His heroic instincts kick in when he saw you in distress. He needed to protect the girl he loved. "No ones talking to you, fucking fairy," your ex snarled.

You suddenly lost it. You could put up with a lot of bullshit but your ex had just crossed the line by insulting Tamaki. You brought your hand up and gave him a hard slap across his face. The slap had enough force to knock him back a bit. His cheek was red and throbbing from the impact. "You fucking bitch!!" He yelled at you. You yelped and pulled your arms up to shield your face but the impact never came.

You expected him to hit you because that's what you were used to but he couldn't hit you in public. Tamaki took note of how you flinched and then looked back at your ex. "You need to leave," He said firmly, looking your ex dead in the eye. "Dude, seriously. Stay the fuck out of it," your ex fired back. Tamaki stood up and slammed his hands on the table loudly enough to gain attention from other customers but he didn't care. "Leave," he growled with an intense stare. It almost scared you.

Your ex just stared back for a moment. "Fuck you shithead," he snapped before looking back at you. "I'll call you later baby," he huffed before walking out the door of the cafe. Tamaki sat down quickly and looked down at you. You were trembling and your eyes were watering. Tamaki wrapped his arms around you tightly and stroked your hair gently. "Are you okay?" He asked.

He had so many questions he wanted to ask you but he didn't want to upset you any more than you already were. "M-Mhmm," you hummed and nodded your head. He rubbed your back as you clung to him tightly. "I love you Bunny," he whispered. The sweet pet name made you smile and you started to calm down. Once you two finished your food and paid, you headed back to his dorm room. You started to explain who your ex was and describe the things he did to you.

The physical abuse, the mental abuse, the rape. Tamaki was absolutely horrified and wouldn't let you out of his arms for the rest of the day. If he saw your ex ever again he might just kill him. You spent the night with him in his room and cuddled all night. He would tell you how much he loved you every couple minutes and continued to hold you close. Over time he was determined to show you how much he loved you and how much he cared about you. He wanted to help you forget about your past and focus on your future with him. This is what you deserve. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be loved.

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