Wedding Bells?

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I woke to the most profound headache I've ever had the misfortune to experience. It seemed the festivities of the night before had gotten the better of me.

I couldn't really remember much either. The last thing I remember is hammering back some Elf spirits. Apparently the stuff the elves drink is much more powerful than the stuff humans drink. It didn't seem like it was only a booze buzz. I distinctly remember a feeling of euphoria before my memory starts coming up blank.

I made my way to the shower to find clothes have been set out for me. The garments are of fine quality but obviously not human design. In other words I wouldn't be caught dead in these things outside of Elfheim.

After a long, hot shower I dress in the Elvin clothes and look in the mirror. A laugh bubbles up to my lips. I look like such a pansy. A long, red silk shirt with gold embroidery and a white lace collar. The pants are no better. They are not even pants. Tights would be a better way to describe them. Skin tight and emerald green. The shoes are a soft leather, frilly affair. Comfortable but something a woman would where in the human world.

All in all the outfit is comfortable but disgusting to my eyes.

When I walked back into the bedroom I found I was no longer alone. Leo sat at the small desk waiting for me.

He turned and took a long look at me and then smiled.

"Your future mother-in-law is sparing no expense. You are wearing the clothes of a noble." He said standing.

He walked to me and shook my hand and pulled me into a hug.

"Welcome to the family, William Song." He said with just a hint of emotion creeping into his voice.

The next few hours were a whirlwind of activity. From choosing the musicians to the food and everything in between. I never saw Clara. Leo told me that it was tradition for the bride to be in seclusion until the wedding.

I guess that's one tradition that elves and humans share.

Shortly after lunch I was lead to a small library that I was later informed was the office of the council. There I was to meet with the council and the queen for some last minute briefing of the rituals I was expected to perform. I really couldn't have cared less what they were trying to tell me. I was thoroughly sick of all the pomp and circumstance. I was being forced into a marriage that I wasn't ready for and these were the people forcing it on me.

I excused myself from the study after over an hour of listening to Lilith and the council argue and direct. I couldn't take anymore.

I found a servant as I wandered the halls and asked to be taken to my room. I couldn't for the life of me find my way. The servant chuckled and lead the way.

Once I was safely back in my room I found my guitar and started playing. Nothing helped to sooth my jagged nerves like playing music. Truly, music is the medicine of the gods. Nothing can calm the soul or lift the spirit the way music can.

As I played and sang I could feel myself relaxing. The calm I was feeling started projecting into the song. I could feel the power floating on every note. This wasn't like the calming feeling I used to put the soldiers to sleep. This more a peace of mind type calm.

I played for another few minutes and then headed back out into the palace. I knew I had things to do and it wouldn't serve well to shirk my imposed responsibilities.

As I made my way through the halls I could see that my song had calmed everyone. Things were happening in a calm orderly fashion where as before everyone was rushing around.

"You are a Godsend, William." I heard Leo say from behind me.

" I haven't seen this place running this smoothly in all my life." He said coming to walk beside me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2012 ⏰

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