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The next day Lilith started us in our lessons. Clara was learning to pull on the elements to cast spells and I was meditating.

Lilith told me that I needed to look within to find all that I needed. That a Bard's power was all natural and need not be learned, but discovered.

"The power is already in your voice. You need to meditate and learn how to focus it. The ability is in you. You only need to find that part of your mind that the power resides in. Once you have found the power then you can control it." Lilith told me.

So I sat and reflected on myself. I really didn't see the point in meditating. I have never been very good at anything quiet. I was becoming extremely bored and fidgety. I couldn't focus my thoughts because all I could think about was how bored I was. It was time to ask for help. I swallowed my pride and call for Lilith.

"What do you need William?"

"I can't meditate. I can't get my mind to slow down and settle in one place long enough to accomplish anything. I can't focus on anything. I don't know. I didn't think that meditation was going to be so boring." I complained.

She laughed and came over to where I was sitting cross legged on the floor.

"Meditation is one of the hardest skill to learn when you are young. It takes years of practice to be able to naturally go into a meditation trance." Lilith explained.

"We don't really have years for me to learn this." I said.

"I know. That is why I am making a potion to help you achieve the trance. You will have to practice for the next couple of day though. The potion I'm making takes two days to complete. My hope is that you will be able to conquer your scattered thoughts and achieve the trance on your own before the potion is complete." Lilith said.

I huffed out a sigh and closed my eyes trying to look within. It still seemed like an exorcise in futility. I sat there for the better part of the next hour with no success. My back side was hurting and my bladder was full. It was time for a break from doing nothing. How sad is that. I needed a break from doing absolutely nothing.

After relieving myself and stretching out my now stiff body I went to see how Clara was doing. I don't know what it is about that girl, but it seems like I can't go for to long without seeing her.

I walked into the other room where the two women were practicing spell casting and was amazed by what I saw.

Clara was standing in the middle of the room with her hands held out to the sides and her head flung back. An unnatural wind was flowing around her body making her hair dance. Then I noticed that her feet were not even touching the floor.

Lilith noticed that I was standing in the doorway and walked over.

"You shouldn't be in here. She will get distracted by you being here." Lilith scolded.

She walked with me back to the other room.

"What was she doing?" I asked

"She was channeling air. Her spell casting is going to come straight from the elements. The easiest way for her to cast spells is to embody the element. Much like I told you about your powers, hers will come naturally once she learns to channel each element." Lilith explained.

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