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All song lyrics are the original creation and property of Brian Dinges. I don't know a bunch legal mumbo-jumbo to put with this as a disclaimer so here it is. Stealing other peoples work is bad and illegal. Shame on you if you do that.--- The original song that goes with the lyrics in this chapter is in the video at this link.


The trip to meet the mysterious woman was a short one. We walked only a few blocks from the bar when Clara announced we had arrived. The house we were standing I'm front of was a small cottage style home. It would be easy to miss if not for the gaudy paint. The walls were painted a bright yellow and the wooden shudders and doors were a vibrant shade of purple. There was a narrow flagstone walkway leading from the sidewalk to the front door. On either side of the walkway were rows of flowers. The flowers alternated in color from yellow to purple. Each color being the exact shade as the corresponding color on the small house.

As we approached the door it opened of its own accord. This made me take a step back, though it didn't seem to faze Clara. we walked into the small house and were standing in the kitchen. Seated at the small, round dining table was an older woman who appeared to be in her late thirties. Clara stoped by the door to remove her long coat. I turned and watched her hang the coat on a hook by the door and was left of balance as I took in her full beauty.

I heard my name being called from somewhere far off. Then I felt a pain in my ear and was dragged back to the kitchen table. When my head cleared I was being lead by the mystery lady. She plunked me down in a chair and sat across from me.

"Didn't your parents ever teach you that its not polite to stare?" She scolded.

I was still trying to figure out what happened but managed to get out a week "I'm sorry".

"Clara, fetch us some tea please." She said addressing Clara with familiarity.

"Yes mother." was Clara's reply.

This statement explained somethings but left more questions. For example. Why wasn't Clara permitted to say her mother's name in public?

"Ma'am, my name is William Song and Clara seemed to think that I should come see you." I said wanting to move things along.

"I always wondered what they would end up naming you. I knew your parents before you were born. They were dear friends of mine for many years. Your mother and I fought over your father at one point when we were little girls." The mystery lady said with a whimsical lilt to her voice.

Now I was extremely overwhelmed. I had barely known my parents. My grandfather had done most of my upbringing.

" You knew my parents?" I asked in disbelief.

"Yes I did. I knew them for a very long time. Like I said, we were children when we started being friends." She said a little perturbed that I had made her repeat herself.

Clara returned with the tea about that time and sat a glass in front of each of us and took a seat between myself and her mother at the table. I had to avert my eyes from her for fear that I would zone out again. She was so beautiful it was hard hard not to stare at her. I see now why she was wearing the long, hooded coat at the bar. She wouldn't be able to get a moment of peace around a bunch of men.

"Thank you Clara." I said looking her in the eye. 

She turned her head and broke eye contact. It was as if she was afraid to look in my eyes. I brushed it off. I had just met this strange and beautiful young woman. There was no need to jump to conclusions.

"William. Will you sing a song for me?" Clara's mother asked.

This was my chance to glean a little information from this mystery woman that knew my parents when they were children. 

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