Chapter 12

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All of the Avengers seemed to be fussing over Draco whenever they saw him. Harry was getting to the point where he wouldn't leave him alone because he (not that he'd admit it) was scared of what could happen. He didn't want what happened to Carina happen to their baby. He was going on less missions with the Avengers, not that they needed they help, and chose to stay with his family. Even Severus was being nicer to him (they were on a first name basis now!).

On May 1st, Draco started his second trimester.

Around May 24th was the first time Draco felt the baby kick. It was around 1:35 AM and he was woken up by his kicking baby. He shook Harry awake and told him to put his hand on his belly. Harry, having just woken up, was confused at first then he realized what was going on. When he felt the baby kick, he almost started sobbing.

On June 27th, they had the option to find out the gender, but instead gave the paper with the baby's gender to Wanda who wanted to plan a baby shower/gender reveal party for them.

Wanda, Natasha, Pepper and Hope Van Dyne (Scott's girlfriend) all helped plan the party. Sirius was helping the girls plan too, giving his advice when he felt it was needed.

The party was to take place on July 31st, on Harry's birthday. Only the Avengers and the Potters were invited (seeing as they know no one else) but Nick Fury, Phil Coulson (who hadn't died due to Loki shooting him in 2012) and Maria Hill also ended up showing up.

When Draco and Harry got there, Draco almost cried because of how beautiful everything was. Harry just held him in his arms and kissed his cheek.

"It's all for you, my love." He whispered.

"But it's your birthday." Draco said, looking at Harry.

"I couldn't care less. As long as I get to find out the gender of my baby, I'm perfectly fine."

The party was a success. The cake was amazing, seeing as Steve and Harry worked together to make it, and all the fun games ended up actually being fun, unlike most baby shower games.

"Hello, everyone. I'm Wanda, as you probably all know. Just here to announce that the gender reveal is going to happen in a couple minutes! Make your final guesses on the chalkboard over there and with name suggestions!" Wanda's voice was projected over the big ("It's not that big. We could've gone bigger." Tony had said) venue that was filled by family and friends. Her voice had been amplified due to the Sonorus charm Sirius had cast on her seconds before. There was a chalkboard leaning on one of the walls. It was split down the middle, pink on the right, indicating a girl, and blue on the left, indicating a boy. So far, the boys side had 11 votes and the girls had 13. Some of the boys names were Anthony, Jasper, Daegan, Galen, Killian and Elliot. Some of the girls names were Antionette, Saige, Kora, Rayna, Emilie, Aurelia and Blair. Draco really liked some of them, but he still had his top list at home.

Minutes later, Draco and Harry made their way to what seemed to be the middle of the dance floor. Sirius was holding a package. He set it down and smiled at Draco and Harry.

"Open it."

Everyone went quiet as they watched the couple open the package. Inside was a toy broom. There was a button on the edge which Draco pressed, causing it to start flying up. As it was flying around the room, it was leaving a trail of white sparks. After about 30 seconds of white sparks, blue sparks came out.

Draco gripped onto Harry's hand tightly. "We're having a baby boy."

Harry hugged Draco as everyone around them cheered. Including the 13 people who said it was a girl.

"Also, before you go do other things, can Sirius, Teddy, Severus, Tony and Steve come up here?" Harry asked while Draco was just beaming.

The five of them came up to the dance floor. Harry held onto Draco's hand tightly. Wanda and Natasha were the only other ones who knew what was happening. Everyone else was just waiting to see what would happen.

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