Chapter 8

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Draco knocked on the door of the guest room which had turned into Sirius' room. "Um. Sirius? Can I talk to you?" He asked.

Sirius looked up from a magazine he was flipping through and sat up on his bed, "Yeah, come in."

Draco smiled and closed the door behind them, going to sit on Sirius' bed after. "Do you have any news on our Death Eater?"

"No. I told Stark about a possible threat and he's looking for him too." He said putting the magazine on the side table. "But, based on what I knew about my cousin, I'm assuming there's something else you want to talk to me about. What's wrong Draco?"

Draco laughed a bit. "Of course you'd know there was something else because of my mother."

"But is there?"

"Yeah. There's something that I talked to Harry about that he decided you should know. Harry's telling Teddy right know since he doesn't know this either. Only us four are the ones who will know this."

"Okay, you're starting to scare me, Draco." Sirius frowned.

"Well, while we were on our run, you know, me and Harry fell in love. And like normal people hiding out in the woods, we had a lot of time to ourselves and I'm assuming you know where this is going."

Sirius chuckled but nodded. "Yes, but continue."

"Well, we did stuff. I started getting sick. Like throwing up, nauseous sick. Harry was there for me, as always, but one day he asked—well, more like stated, I guess—'it's not like you're pregnant or anything, so why are you still so sick?'. And that's when I remembered—"

"That guys can get pregnant in our world." Sirius finished. "It not common knowledge since gay people were so looked down on. And since those gay people couldn't be accepted in the magical world, they went to the Muggle one where they can't get pregnant since they need two powerful magical beings to get a man pregnant."

Draco smiled sadly but nodded, placing a hand on his stomach, "We were so happy. For once, there was some light at the end of the tunnel. Since I was a Healer, I knew the spells to check up on the baby, check its gender, everything. I taught them to Harry since it's a bit awkward doing them on yourself. We were going to have a baby girl. We picked a name, Carina Lily Potter. She was going to be born on October 31st, because you know how fate loves us like that. But, obviously, we lost her. We ran into some French Aurors and they shot the Killing Curse at us. We both died. Since I have a Horcrux, I was brought back but our baby girl was gone. I thought it was my fault. I was so set on finally having a family that I didn't think about what could happen. We were both depressed for a long time, but never tried again for a child."

Sirius was in shock, he had his hand covering his mouth but his eyes said it all. Draco had tears running down his face, his hand still placed on his stomach.

"I was only 4 1/2 months pregnant, so the Aurors wouldn't have known that we were going to have a baby. They probably would've still killed us though." Draco took a deep breath and wiped his tears away. "We decided to tell you and Ted because October 31st is next week and she's all I've been thinking about recently."

"Oh my god. Draco— I don't know what to say. I'm so sorry. This never should've happened to you. After all you both had been through. Losing a child is the worst possible experience. I can't say I've experienced it personally, but when I was sent to Azkaban, I lost Harry. I was supposed to take care of him but I lost the only opportunity I had to raise a kid. But you losing your child before ever meeting her, that's horrible, Draco. I'm so sorry you went through this."

Just then, Teddy burst through the door and went directly over to Draco and hugged him. His hair and eyes were different now. He now resembled more of what he did as a baby. "I'm sorry, Draco."

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