Waking up's advantages

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"Who are you?" He said before running a frustrated hand through his hair, thinking about why his voice sounded like that. The now flustered girl scoffed and turned her face the other way " Delete the funeral plans. He's awake."

It took some time to register what she just said becouse we were the only people here. She held her ear and was talking into her airpods

( AN: sorrry but the only two brain cells in my head are having cups of tea descussing how stupid i am for not knowing what that is. )

Jae jiu sat up completely and with that came a wave of overflowing memories. It was like a slideshow playing off in her mind and he couldn't stop it.

Once the girl left to consult the doctor that you woke, Jae jiu sliped his long milky legs off the side of the bed and went to the bathroom.

Jae (for short) immediately washed his face with soap, rinsed and dried it with the fluffy white towel next to him.

He examined 'his' face. Beconing his pants down and throwing the gown off he looked at himself in the mirror. A handsome male looking directly at him. Skin that looked so soft and pure, plump full lips and mesmerising ocean blue eyes with specks of grean intertwined in it. Expression soft giving a feminine look as he pulled his hair back. He scanned himself, his body, every single crack of skin, but there wasn't. For his skin was so clear and pale he couldn't draw any flaws to himself. That was until he looked down.
( ಠ_ಠ )

His suspicions were true. Well 'her' suspicions. He soon found out that he was infact a she. A stream of memories fled her mind once again as she put her clother back on.

Jae jiu was infact her name in her past life and she took on some features that resembled her own. Although she has the same name her history was far more interesting than that of her past.

All her past successes were brought through the company's training and battles. This Jae was a flaunter of money.

Before she was born her mother predicted she would be a boy but to her demise you were a girl. She made you a bet the time your father died 'you will be a boy in exchange I will give you all that you need and more.'

Her mother wasn't a bad person but a rather peculiar one. She offered her love either way even though she said that. So for your mother's sake and your samall family name, you would be a boy. You became good at it.... in fact so good that rather nobody knew exept you and your mother. The previous owner of this body treated her mother like shit and Jae jiu being the thoughtful person, was going to change that.

Jae jiu handsomely silped out of the bathroom and walked his way to the open window and admired the view.

The girl walked back into the room with a doctor, amazed by the sight of her young master sitting in the window with a bird on his leg gently simling at the sight.

Snapping out of his gaze he let the bird down and walked his way to the young lady that was gaping at him.

"Would you be as kind as to fetch my clothes for when I get released?" He charmingly held the hand of the wide eyed woman infront of him. "I already have sir..."she said as her cheeks flushed a rosy pink.

She handed him a suit what looked like it was made by the name 'gay'.
If she was to be a boy the she was gonna play the part. "Oh god get that away. Its blinding."" No-no-no, what i meant was get me some clothes. Not hand me downs from Justin Timberlake. " He frowned and threw the clothes one by one across the room.

( AN: im sorry for those who are offended by the remark.)

"Call Tori" a simple demand was said, but it felt like a threat.Tori came shaking into the room. The cold smile placed on Jae jiu's face beamed the next second when she saw Tori her well built body guard. "Tori could you free up your schedule for me and fetch me some clothes? I already wrote down the the things i want you to get, if you have time of course." Jae splattered the words at Tori.

Although he was talking slow it felt like a bulet was shot through him with every polite word his master said. Tori held his chest and began breathing heavily as you slowly smirked and put one hand on your hip. "I would love to" Tori actually smiled. For the first time in a long time Tori smiled at his young master.

A few minutes later he came back with a bag and a box of shoes eccentialy with a clean roll of bandages. Jae took these things and said thanks before leaving to the bathroom.

Moments later she came out looking ravishing.she wore a plain black t-shirt and a rippe black skinny jean. What graced her feet were some red converse that mached the colour of her soft crimson hair. Her plump full lips tinted with a bit of balm to not let it go dry. (the picture ontop)

She looked like a celebrity who just came from a shoot. Everyone in the room gaped at the princely figure before them. Jae jiu gently brushed her soft hair to the back which almost  immediately bounced back.

Tori and Hannah (the girl) looked at Jae jiu both mouthes agape and eyes wide. Jae smirked as she walked past them both knowing she had picked the right outfit.

"Close your traps, you'll catch flies" she laughed, the sound deep as it vibrated through her chest.

An :Hope you liked it. I used Kim Taehyung 's picture cuz i dont have anyone else on my phone looking as good as that. Hope you dont mind.🙂

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