⪯ - a/n: before we get into it - ⪰

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Hi there, and welcome to Undetermined!

In case you didn't read the description, this is an MCSM AU about time being screwy and a lot of Jesses making bad decisions.

This isn't as much of a book as it is a collection of oneshots that form one long story. It was just in my Short Stories book for a while, but I decided it needed its own book now.

Here's a couple things you're gonna want to know before you start reading.

- although the current chapters are sorted into chronological order, new updates are not written/posted in chronological order!!! this AU is a big confusing mess, so this is really important to remember!
I repeat- these events are not being written in the order they happened in!
The first couple chapters will be in order because I wrote them a while ago, but after a little while they won't be.

-when I put music at the top, pls pls listen to it! it often really sets the mood i'm going for in these oneshots c:

-I'm a big multishipper and there's a lot of weirdness here. Sorry not sorry.

-things are going to be confusing for a while. if something doesn't make sense, honest to god just ask me, I'll answer as long as it's not a flat-out spoiler for future stuff.
I really just jump straight into the whole mess- there's not a lot of waiting around.

-this should be updated a couple times a week?? idk I don't have a set writing schedule but the chapters are pretty short soooo

-it's okay to skip through it! if you think I'm writing too much of one catalyst, go ahead and jump ahead to one you want to read about. the oneshots are sorted into chronological order, but one catalyst's story doesn't matter to another's (for the most part).
in s2 things will be a little different, but for now it's pretty flexible.

-pay attention to the notes and pictures at the tops of chapters- a lot of the time I don't clarify which catalyst or loop the oneshot is about until the A/N at the end, and it's important to know

anyways. I think that's it. this all probably sounds p weird, but I swear it'll start making sense pretty soon lol


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