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A/N this might be slightly confusing but I am going to go back in time just slightly, about an hour, to once our arsenal players arrive home. Enjoy! ALSO, I forgot to mention that this is taken place the year going into the world cup no specific date, but like eventually the world cup will happen.

Mata's POV

We got back to the condo and I immediately went up to my room to change out of my joggers and into something more presentable for dinner. As I walked into my room and was about to close my door Viv snuck in behind me.

"What do you want from me?" I asked annoyed.

"I don't want anything from you. Jeesh."

I folded my arms, "Well, then why are you in my room when I am trying to change?"

"Because I know who you like and this is huge because for all the years I've known you this has never happened," She sat on my bed.

"It's only been three years."

"Okay but still. This is a big deal, you like a girl who clearly likes you back." 

"But what if she doesn't like me back? Viv, I just met her, we've barely had a full conversation there's no reason for her to like me." I laid on the bed with my hands on my head.

"Trust me she does, she looks at you the same way I used to look at Lisa while we were at Bayern." 

"Fine, you can believe that, but please leave so I can get ready." I push her off my bed and walk her to the door.

"Make yourself pretty for the lady," Viv winked before she turned and walked away. 

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my dresser. I didn't know how I was supposed to dress so I just threw on a normal off day outfit: jeans, and a t-shirt. When I walked out of my room, on my way to the bathroom, I noticed Jill sitting on the couch in a similar outfit so I knew what I was wearing was okay. I walked into the bathroom and threw my hair into a low messy bun and threw on backward my WSL league champions hat. 

I walked into the living room and threw myself onto the couch in between Jill and Lisa.

"You act like a ten-year-old," Lisa complained.

"That's because she basically is one," Jill stood up and left the room as she spoke.

"Oh, so you got so mad about my youth that you had to leave? Sorry I was born in 2001."

"I can't believe you were born in the 2000s that's crazy," Lisa commented in her Scottish accent. "Imagine that Viv, being born in the 2000s."

 Viv quickly responded as she walked into the kitchen, "Crazy babe."

"Hey whats you two doing in the fridge? We've got company coming over, I've already got the water on for the pasta."

"Sorry Lis, I just wanted bread," Viv defended as she left the kitchen and came to join me and Lisa on the couch.

"Yeah because you're going to find so much bread in the fridge," I teased.

Just then the doorbell rang and Lisa stood up to answer, "Yay they're here, now you three can stop annoying me."

"Lisa I haven't done anything wrong," Jill defended from the kitchen.

"Keep it that way," She glared back just before opening the door, "Welcome welcome, please come in and make yourselves at home." Lisa went through the line of hugs as each player walked in.

Viv and I stood up from our spots on the couch as Jill left the kitchen to greet the guests. I went through and hugged each player until only Patri was left. "You still feeling okay?" She asked.

"Never better," I responded with a smile, I hugged her and whispered, "Don't worry, you didn't hurt me." The hug ended and I returned to my spot on the couch where she followed me.

Patri sat next to me and looked to the TV, "Is this the American League?"

"Yeah, the NWSL."

She looked at me, "Do you know anyone on either team?"

"Not personally, just from playing ya know?"

"Yeah I get that, you learn who so many people are without ever meeting like they could have no idea I exist." 

I looked at the Spanish midfielder, "You're kidding, right? Almost every player in the world knows who you are after the u20 world cup." 

She blushed, "Have you ever thought of playing in America or even just leaving the wsl?"

"Definitely have thought about leaving this league, and I almost certainly will someday. America? I don't know I get it that they're a good league right now, but I don't know if I could live without the champions league," I looked at her, "Do you think you could ever leave Spain?"

"Honestly, I probably will someday. I'm so young and hopefully, have a long career ahead of me so I want to see different leagues and the different styles of play in each country. Expand my game some more."

"I wanna play in Spain someday," Patri smiled, "soccer is just culture there it seems like a great place to play. So, you better not leave before I get there."

She lightly slapped my thigh and laughed, "I'll try not to."

Mapi's POV

I leaned over to Lieke and whispered, "Hey, you see that too?"

"Yeah, they've been talking for a while."

I leaned away slightly, "Is Mata a good kid? Is she good for Patri?"

Lieke faced Mapi "Hey, I know Patri is like your little sister and you want to protect her but, Mata is like a little sister for me too and I'd never let her do something that would be wrong for her. Trust me, they're good for each other." 

Viv snuck up behind us, "Someone needs to open their eyes, they don't realize that they both feel the same way."

"Lieke that sounds like your job." Lieke gave me a glare, "What? You know them both it just seemed like the best idea."

I looked towards the two young girls, "I say we let them figure it out themselves. They're young and trust me one of them will figure out eventually." 

"Fine we must wait and see."

A/N a little bit shorter than my last two and I apologize, but I wanted to get another chapter out and I got home late so here's this.

Two Young StarsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora