Chapter 11: The Calling

Start from the beginning

"Oh you bitch," he said before suddenly hitting her over the head, knocking her unconscious. 

Alana woke with a start, covered in sweat and breathing hard. She sat up and tried to calm down, focusing on her surroundings. The room was empty, and the faint sunlight was creeping inside, showing that it was nearly time for the day to begin.

Alana sat there for a moment, the image of her dead father and her unconscious mother etched into her mind. She had had this vision before, many times. Even though her mother had never told her about the night her father died, Alana knew that her vision was true.

She finally stood and went into the bathroom and splashing cold water on her face before getting ready for the day. She dressed and breakfast was delivered to her door. After she ate, she decided to spend a few moments in meditation when finally, a knock came at her door. 

Alana went to the door and opened it, revealing Shaak Ti. They bowed to one another before Alana left her room, following her friend down the hall.

"You didn't sleep well," Shaak Ti said quietly.

"Yes, I am aware," Alana said, much more sharply than she had hoped. "I'm sorry, Ti. There's a lot on my mind right now. With the Trials, this mission, and my memories of this place."

"It's a lot," Shaak Ti said, placing a hand on Alana's shoulder. "If you wish to step back, I understand entirely."

"No, no," Alana shook her head. "I'll be quite alright."

The reached the chamber and made their way inside, eager to begin. Alana and Shaak Ti made their way up to two seats that were in the middle of the room, dividing the Naboo on the right and the Gungans on the left. The two Jedi sat down and waiting silently until the two delegations had arrived.

Once everyone was present, Shaak Ti stood.

"This session is now in order," she called. Everyone bowed before Shaak Ti sat back down. "If we could please have the delegates for the Naboo people please step forward and state your grievances."

Queen Amidala stepped forward to the podium on her side of the room, her young presence calming the room. She was well-liked and revered even though she was still only in her teenage years. 

"Thank you, Jedi," she said before turning to Gungan delegation. "Your Royal Highness of the Gungan people, in light of recent events with your mining destroying some of the homes of the Naboo people, we are seeking to use a piece of your land to relocate fifty-four families so that they may live on in peace and prosperity as they did before the incident."

Queen Amidala bowed and stepped back, taking her seat.

"Thank you, Queen Amidala," Alana said before turning to the Gungan side. "If we could please have the delegates for the Gungan people please step forward and state your grievances."

"Weesa no doing desa," Boss Nass sputtered. "Yousa asking for wesa sacred land."

With that, he sat back down. Alana looked at Shaak Ti for a split second, both finding his short answer rather refreshing.

"Seeing both sides, we have some questions," Shaak Ti spoke, standing. "First, to the Queen of Naboo. Is it possible to lower the number of families who should move onto this land? And what is the amount of land that you are needed to rebuild?"

Queen Amidala looked to her advisors who nodded, with one of them speaking quickly in her ear. She then stood and approached the podium.

"Yes, Master Jedi," she said. "We would be able to lower the number of families to twenty-five. For that, we would need ten hectares of land."

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