Make up or Make out

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Evie's Pov
She wanted nothing to do with me. I didn't know why I had lied to her anyways. I mean I totally understood why she would be mad, but I didn't like that she was mad. I knew I had to make it up to her.
Mal's Pov
I was infuriated. I couldn't believe she would lie to me like that. I wanted nothing to with her, however at the same time I wanted her. I knew that she was going to try to make it up to me, but the question was how and could I forgive her?
Evie's Pov
The bell had just rung for us to go to lunch and lucky for me Mal had no one to sit with since it was her first day here. To my surprise Aubrey had gone to sit with her.
I walked over to her and...
Mal's Pov
The blue headed girl walked up to me and asked "Can I talk to you, please?" Not wanting to make a scene I reluctantly walked out of the cafeteria with Evie. We went to our dorm.
Evie's Pov
"I'm sorry Mal, I'm so sorry for lying to..." I was inturpted by Mal's lips mine.
"Im still mad at you I just couldn't resist." Mal said. I could tell she was eager to get closer to me so I closed the gap between us. Our lips crashed into each other
Mal's Pov
As our lips crashed together I pushed Evie against the wall. This time she didn't fight for domiance. Sadly the bell rang and we had to get back to class so we departed lips and I whispered...

Mevie: The Untold StoryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora