The driver as usual opens the door for us to enter and I slide in first with Xavier following closely behind, I scoot all the way across to the other door and start to look out of the window at the passing traffic, Xavier sits unbelievably close to me, thighs touching and my breathing starts to pick up, my heart rate increasing and not because I am excited, I try to calm myself down, taking deep breaths but it doesn't seem to be must help.

 "What's wrong, are you okay?" Xavier asks concern evident in his voice.

 I can't seem to form words due to the close proximity so I just nod my head yes. He says nothing more so I assume he is happy with my answer.

 Not bothering to pay attention to where we are heading I continue to try to regulate my breathing. Suddenly the car stops and my door is held open for me exit, I look up to see Xavier smiling back at me, his hand out stretched for me to take, I refuse his help and step out.

 "Mc Donalds?" I ask Xavier, eyebrow raised.

 "I fancy a burger and last time we did lunch you told me that we should have just gone to Mc Donalds, so here we are".

 He takes my hand and leads me towards the entrance of the fast food restaurant, living up to the gentleman he is he holds the door open for me to enter first.

 "Go find us a table and I'll go get food, what do you want Cait?"

 "I'm starving so I will have a big mac meal and a strawberry milkshake if that's ok?"

 "That's fine, go take a seat, I'll come find you".

 He makes his way to the long queue of people lining up to get their lunch.

 Looking around I notice a two seater table in the corner.

 Whilst I sit and wait for Xavier to return with food I start to think about what it is that he wants to discuss. How am I to have a conversation with him about what happened this morning? He's probably just going to tell me all about how office relationships are not permitted and I need to throw away any thoughts I might have for him and how nothing will ever happen between us due to the fact A: we work together and B:he is my boss. As if I didn't know all this already.

 I'm bought back to reality by Xavier taking a seat opposite me, he hand me my food and I thank him like the good girl I am.

 We both sit in silence as we eat, I keep my head down refusing to meet his gaze, anyone would be able to notice the friction at the moment, a deaf, dumb and blind person would be able sense it.

 Xavier clears his throat causing me to finally look at him.

 "So Cait, how about we talk about what happened this morning" it was more of a statement then a question.

 "Mr Callahan please pay no mind to what you overheard this morning, I had no right to be thinking things like that let alone do anything about it, I will also forget what you aid on your part and we can go back to being the professionals we are".

 "That's not what I meant sweetheart, I don't want to forget anything".

 "I'm sorry sir, I do not understand".

 "Let me make this perfectly clear Caitlin I want you in my bad, naked, glistening in sweat, screaming my name as I fuck you hard and long".

 To say I was shocked would be an understatement, I didn't know how to reply, I just stared at him my mouth agape.

 "I know that's what you want too sweetheart, if you didn't then you would never of finger fucked yourself over me".

I swear I'm going to wipe that stupid smirk off his face.

Mr Callahan #wattys2014Where stories live. Discover now