Chapter 9: Let Me Entertain You

Start from the beginning

There was a moment of silence.

"I see. The kid has waited a long time and it must be tough since everyone around him seem to be debuting..."

Yebin held her breath and she peered up at Youngho... who held such a solemn look to his face. She wished she could just close his ears and protect him from this world, but what could she really do when she could barely help herself?

"Fine... I wanted to talk to you guys about a couple things before some duties but I guess I'll just have to wait. I'll be free in the afternoon so make sure the three of you are free later. Alright?"

Doyoung and Ten's voiced their replies.

And all too fast, footsteps were heard leaving the room and out the dorm. From there, Yebin and Youngho could finally relax now that the danger had gone. However, the lass now realized the situation they were in. Their bodies were practically pressed against each other in this enclosed space, their faces just mere inches away.

Yebin felt her whole body flare, her face on fire. Her hand shot out and she pushed herself out of the tight closet, giving a heart attack to the two boys that had just covered for them.

"Jesus christ!" Doyoung squeaked out just as Yebin straightened out your clothes. "That's where you were?!" His eyes darted over to his taller friend, who was finally stepping out of the closet. "Why did you have to hide?!"

"I-I panicked!" Youngho defended himself, running his fingers through his hair. "All I could think about was to hide Yebin!"

"And yet you forgot to deal with her shoes that were near the front door!" Ten shot back, throwing his hands into the air in exasperation. "It would've been game over if it weren't for my quick thinking and I was able to hide them before manager-nim came in!"

Yebin cut in in hopes to ease over the high energy, "Th-Thank you for covering for me. I hate for you all to be lying to your manager. I really do only just cause trouble."

"Yebin, believe me, training with a whole bunch of guys for years, we get ourselves in a good amount of trouble. Us covering for you is barely scraping on what we've been through," Ten sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "It honestly been great now that we all don't live in the same dorm for the time being."

Doyoung patted her shoulder, "Yeah, we have more than enough space to share, alright? Don't feel too bad."

How could Yebin be so lucky knowing these guys? Ten and Doyoung didn't know her for a long time but they treated her like a friend. Not only them, but also the other boys she had met before had treated her warmly. "I definitely stayed longer than I need to but, uh, I can offer to make breakfast before I leave."

"Yebin, you don't have to," Youngho chided, stepping to her side.

She gave a small smile. "I promise I'm a pretty good cook. I make make a bomb rolled egg if I put my mind to it."

"Not gonna lie, that sounds really good right now," Ten replied, clapping his hands together. Doyoung simply nodded, eager for the food.

Tucking a loose strand behind her ear, Yebin left the bedroom and waltzed into the kitchen to start on her masterpiece. Not a second passed until she felt a presence loom over her. To her right, Youngho had joined her again. The girl huffed at him, a pout to her lips.

"Do you not trust me?"

Youngho bared a grin. "I trust you plenty, just thought I could be of help because I actually know what we have in this kitchen."

"Smart ass," Yebin grumbled as she opened their fridge. She instantly spotted the carton of eggs and took it out. Green onions, carrots, and cheese were also in the fridge, she could easily add that to her eggs. "I guess you can make some rice while we at it."

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