Help me!LoserClub x F!reader

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Part 1!
Just to clarify I don't know anything to do with this. This is where the reader loses her memory and the loser club have to help her remember before she falls in the clutches of pennywise. This was requested by artlovingbre (I have changed it a little bit,but please enjoy).

Beep Beep..BeepBeep...Beeeeeeeeeeeeep

"We're losing her! Quick Iv line stat! We can't lose her not again!" "Chest compressions!GO! 1..2..3..4"
"She's back.." The doctor wiped his head from the progess of sweat building up on his forehead. "I couldn't let another one go"

Richies p.o.v:

"And I thought I was the group clown" I say laughing as tears roll down my cheeks. "It's ok Rich, they will be ok" Mike said as he rubbed my back. "But it's not ok is it!" Bev says standing up, she was crying hysterically
"y/n if you can hear me.." She held y/ns hand gently "I am so sorry" Her head is layed on her arm at this point. I haven't seen her cry this much since we saw pennywise in the sewers.

-2 weeks later-

Your p.o.v:

I pry my eyes open "uhhh" As my eyes adjusted to the light and my surroundings, I was engulfed in a massive hug and which i believe to be a boy? "Y-y/n! You're back!" I let go of the hug "Im sorry" I say "No-o its Our fault--" He started, "But who the hell are you guys?" I said looking at all of them.

Ther's a few gasps of suprise "what in the holy hell" I turn my head to see a boy with curly hair and glasses. My face lights up and I try to get out of bed "Eddie!" I shout with a big smile on my face. 'Eddie's' face instantly turns sour "What!? Ew no!" He shouts and shakes his head. Another boy walks up to the bed I'm sitting in,"No y/n,I'm Eddie that's Richie"

I smile "see" he says and smiles. "I don't know who any of you are. I only know Eddie" I say and hold the curly hair boys hand. I look around the room and my eyes light up "Are those sweets?" I say pointing to the boys (who's arm was in a cast) hand. "Yeah" He says. "Would you like some?" He holds out his hand with a packet of gummy bears, I reach for the packet with caution but take it nevertheless.
'These people are actually ok' I think and smile to myself.

~2 hours later~

"So," The Nurse starts, "Your parents are currently on a business trip and wont be back till 3 months time"she says looking up from the clipboard, I nod my head. "But it says here you are currently still living in your home unattended" she states, I just look at her and shrug my shoulders. "Well we need someone to look after you for atleast a week or so just to make sure your ok" She says. "Well I don't have anyone" I say.

"Uh maam she can stay with me and my grandad" The boy in the corner says. The Nurse looks at him "may I please take your name dear," He walks over to her "Mike. Mike Hanlon" he says.
I smile. Well, who would let somebody into their home,who they don't even know?

"Well, everybody you need to go now visiting hours are over. Except you Mike is it ok if you stay with y/n?"
"Of course" he says and sits in the chair beside my bed.
I look over and smile at him he returns a goofy smile back. All of the people within the hostiptal room quickly exit, "Oh"The girl with fiery red hair said as she quickly walks over to my bed. "Here" she says as she pushes something into my hand.

As soon as they all leave I open my hand to see a golden charm bracelet,I gasp. 'It's so beautiful' I think to myself.
"Mabye you too should get going aswell."The Nurse starts "Mike may you please wait outside the room while I get Y/n ready?"
Mike gets up "Of course"He says and walks out of the door.

-10 minutes later-

"And that's you all done" The Nurse says with a smile whilst playing back the bed sheets and hospital gown.
"Thank you" I say standing next to the door with a suitcase only consisting of a few clothes inside.
"No problem hun, you should come back in a couple of days time, just as a check up" "ok".
After a few minutes I walk out of the hospital room ready to go to Mike's house.

"You know" he says as we walk down the dimly lit pathways "I'm always going to be here for you, ok?" I look up at him "ok, thank you" I say and smile.

We soon hear a revving engine behind us. We both stop and turn around to see a car with four boys in it.
"Awh got a girlfriend?" One of them shouts at us. I look at mike and hold onto his hand. He looks at me "Run." He whispers to me,I didn't get it until he started pulling down the hill and into an alleyway." We quickly hid behind a bin closest to the blocked end.

"Come out, come out wherever you are" The one with the mullet said in a sickly sweet eerie tone. One by one they knocked over bins until there was only one left "climb up the wall" I said to Mike "Go!" As soon as I whisper shouted that Mike was already half way of the wall.
I threw my suitcase over the wall and threw a couple of rocks at the boys stopping them for a mere 2 seconds "Y/n hold my hand" I grabbed Mike's hand and quickly scurried the wall. That is until I felt two hands wrap around my ankle, I look down
"Why don't you come with us L/n? We can have a good time" With those words I felt myself nearly puking,but that feeling so became anger as i kicked the kid in the nose.

As I stood on the wall i said to him "No thank you I think that was more fun than anything I would ever do with  you" With that I wink and jump back off the wall to the other side. I hear snickering on the other side of the wall and bow. "1)that was awesome and 2) we should go now" Mike said taking my hand and suitcase in both of his hands.

-Another 15 minutes later-
(Alot of timeskips I know I'm sorryyyy T^T)

"Granpa we're home!" Mike shouts as we enter the house. We turn the corner to see Mike's Grandad "ah y/n nice to see you again" He says and shakes my hand,I smile at him "thank you sir for letting me stay" "oh no trouble hunny" He then sat on the chair in the living room to watch a bit of telly.

"I'll show you your room" Mike says and leads me up the stairs into a guest room. "Sorry it's not much but-" I hug him "Thank you" I stand back up to see him blushing slightly. "Are you hungry?" He says. "Only a lil but the Nurse gave me two candy bars. That should fill me up" I say with a smile. "Ok but I'm only next door if you need me."  "Ok that I you Mike"
"No problem I'll leave to get settled then" With that he leaves the room.

Not long after I pack everything away, I sit on the windowsill and look at the meadow while eating a candy bar. 'Its absolutely stunning' I think to myself.
I get up and turn the light off ready to go to sleep, that is until I hear a knock on my window.

I slowly get up and look out the window to see a bright red balloon just floating there. 'Welcome back Y/n. I'll be waiting for you"
I blink and it's gone, thinking it's my imagination I shake my head and lay back down on the bed and drift off.


Hello everyoneeee❤
Sorry I haven't been updating in ages.
But I hope everyones doing ok xxx
What did you think of this chapter?
Anymore suggestions just comment and I'll try to do my best xx❤💙💜💞💛

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