"My legs have never hurt this much Nii-san." Shouto pouted.

"I know hun. They'll get used to it after a while. Promise." Touya said and kissed Shouto's forehead.

They got up after about ten minutes and started to walk again. Shouto was getting tired so Touya moved his bag to his front side and gave Shouto a piggyback. They kept walking and they saw something up ahead. At a closer look, it looks like a rundown, forgotten, park. And it looks like it has one of those big playhouses but very rundown. Touya said they should go that way that that may be the place they stay tonight or it might have something they could use.

They made it to the park and the playhouse was ok. It just needed some wiping down.

"Fuyumi you and Sho stay here. Me and Natsuo is gonna check out the old security station to see if they have anything." Touya said and pointed to the station that wasn't far away.

"Ok. You ok with that Sho-chan?" Fuyumi said.

"I'll be good and stay with sissy," Shouto said.

Touya and Natsuo headed for the security station after that. The door wasn't locked so they could get in without problems. They found some bandaids, straw broom, and a map of the park. They brought the stuff and went back to the playhouse. When they got there Shouto was crying so Touya ran over.

"What's wrong Sho?" Touya asked.

"I t-thought something happened! I... I tried to be a good boy! Sorry, Nii-san!" Shouto cried.

"No no, you were a good boy. You always have been. You're just scared. It's ok. Nothing happened I'm fine." Touya said hugging Shouto.

"O-ok," Shouto said and took breaths to calm down.

"Ok. Now we found a map of the park, some bandaids, and a straw broom. Fuyumi you can start wiping down the cobwebs and such in here. Since Shouto gets worried he can come with me to search the park some more. It isn't a big place so we'll be back soon. Natsu you stay with Fuyumi and come looking for us if something happens." Touya said.

"Got it." They said and started to clean up.

"Come on Sho. We'll go treasure hunting for some supplies." Touya said and Shouto took his hand and they left with a map and a bag.

There was a nurse station and a cafeteria area on the map so Touya decided to check those areas first. They checked the nurse's station first.

"Nii-san? What exactly are we looking for?" Shouto asked.

"Bandaids, bandages, alcohol pads, or anything of use. Stuff like that." Touya answered while they were searching.

They found some more bandages and bandaids. Then they found some alcohol pads. They found an old bowl and decided to keep it for cleaning Shouto's burn. Then after they had found anything they could that would come in handy, they went to the cafeteria area. They looked around for some food that doesn't expire. They found some canned beans, carrots, and corn. They put the food up and found an old can opener.

After they finished searching they went back to the playhouse. When they got there they saw that Fuyumi had set up the place where they would sleep. She used the pillows laying on the chairs to use.

"Thanks, Fuyumi and Natsu. We found some more medical supplies and some canned food. We brought a can opener too. So we can have beans, carrots, or corn for dinner." Touya said putting away the supplies they found.

"Let's have corn," Natsuo said.

"Ok then. We can open two cans and split them. I'll use my quirk to cook it." Touya said and they opened the cans and he cooked them as he promised.

"How are we gonna eat them? We don't have silverware." Fuyumi said and Shouto started to dig in the jacket pockets.

"When me and Nii-san were in the cafeteria area I found some sporks," Shouto said and gave one to everyone.

"Nice going Sho," Touya said and Shouto giggled.

They started to eat the corn and made sure not to eat too much so they could split it as evenly as possible. After they finished Touya took the cans and utensils and went in search of a trash can. He found one and made sure to bury the new trash under the old trash with a stick. After that, he burnt the stick. He went back to the playhouse with his siblings and sat down.

"Everyone ok?" Touya asked.

"Yep." They all said.

"Good. And I don't wanna scare you but we might not have a place to live permanently for a while. We'll have to keep moving and changing places to sleep for a while. But once things calm down and we've been gone for a while we can find somewhere to live peacefully. But it'll be in the woods until I'm old enough to get a job to get money. But it's better than staying with him or being separated by social services." Touya said.

"It's ok Nii-san. We know it'll be a while before we can settle. But we can try our best to get used to it. And when me and Natsu get old enough we'll help with money. And we can find things worth value to sell or pawn when we get old enough." Fuyumi said and Natsuo nodded.

"Thanks. And I promise to take care of you guys the best I can." Touya said.

"We know you will Touya-Nii!" Fuyumi said and Natsuo and Shouto agreed.

They talked for a little while longer and it got pretty dark. So they decided it was time to go to bed. Touya laid on one end and Fuyumi on the other. Natsuo laid beside Fuyumi and Shouto laid in between Natsuo and Touya hiding in Touya's chest. They were close so that they would share heat under their shared blanket. Soon they drifted to sleep.

Happiness at The End of The Run (Todoroki RunawayAU)Where stories live. Discover now